
2025 AAC Football Time Plan Publication: Data, Matchups, Notes and Trivia

The American Athletic Conference was the second last league, which exhibited its schedule of 2025 on Friday, February 28th.

After two years of comprehensive changes, the AAC remains stable. The same 14 teams from the 2024 team return to 2025. There are no newcomers and no descents.

The one remarkable change in the AAC time plan has not even been carved into stone. The conference announced that its title game 2025 will be played on ABC either on Friday, December 5th or Saturday, December 6th, but the official date is unknown for the time being. The AAC organized its first game on Friday evening in 2024, and the league with probably input from ABC/ESPN-Muss will be determined whether the AAC championship will remain a Friday evening spectacle or return on Saturday for 2025.

The AAC soccer plan from 2025 is easily:

2025 AAC soccer plan

Week Saturday date army Charlotte East Carolina Florida Atlantic Memphis marine North Texas rice South Florida temple Tulane Tulsa Uab Utsa
Week Saturday date army Charlotte East Carolina Florida Atlantic Memphis marine North Texas rice South Florida temple Tulane Tulsa Uab Utsa
1 Sat, August 30th Against Tarleton State (FCS) [Fri]* vs. app state [neutral] [Fri]* In the NC State [Thu]* in Maryland* Against Chattanooga (FCS)* Against VMI (FCS)* vs. Lamar (FCS)* In Louisiana* Against Boise State [Thu]* With umass* Against Northwestern* Against Abilene Christian (FCS)* Against Alabama State (FCS) [Thu]* At Texas A & M*
2 Sat, September 6th In the state of Kansas* Against North Carolina* Against Campbell (FCS)* vs. Famu (FCS)* In Georgia State* vs. uab In Western Michigan* Against Houston* In Florida* against Howard (FCS)* In South Alabama* In the state of New Mexico* At the navy Against Texas State*
3 Sat, September 13th BYE Against Monmouth (FCS)* In Coastal Carolina* At Fiu* At Troy* In Tulsa Against Washington State* vs. pvamu (FCS)* In Miami (fl)* Against Oklahoma* Against Duke* Against marine Against Akron* vs. incarnated word (fcs)*
4 Sat, September 20th Against nordexas against rice [Thu] Against byu [Fri or Sat]* BYE Against Arkansas* BYE At the army in Charlotte [Thu] Against SC State (FCS)* At Georgia Tech* With Ole Miss* In the state of Oklahoma* In Tennessee* In Colorado State*
5 Sat, September 27th In East Carolina [Thu or Sat] BYE Against the army [Thu or Sat] Against Memphis In the Florida Atlantic against rice Against South Alabama* At the navy BYE BYE In Tulsa Against Tulane BYE BYE
6 Sat, October 4th At UAB in South Florida [Fri] BYE With rice Against Tulsa Against Air Force* BYE Against Florida Atlantic Against Charlotte [Fri] Against Utsa BYE in Memphis Against the army in the temple
7 Sat, October 11th Against Charlotte At the army in Tulane [Thu] vs. uab BYE in the temple Against South Florida [Fri] At UTSA In north -wet [Fri] Against marine Against East Carolina [Thu] BYE In the Florida Atlantic against rice
8 Sat, October 18th in Tulane for a temple Against Tulsa [Thu] in South Florida At UAB BYE Against Utsa BYE Against Florida Atlantic in Charlotte Against the army In East Carolina [Thu] Against Memphis In north -wet
9 Sat, October 25th BYE Against nordexas [Fri] BYE At the navy Against South Floria Against Florida Atlantic in Charlotte [Fri] vs. Uconn* in Memphis In Tulsa BYE for a temple BYE BYE
10 Sat, November 1st With Air Force* BYE in the temple BYE With rice [Fri] In north -wet Against marine Against Memphis [Fri] BYE Against East Carolina At UTSA [Thu] BYE At Uconn* Against Tulane [Thu]
11 Sat, November 8th for a temple In East Carolina Against Charlotte Against Tulsa Against Tulane [Fri] At Notre Dame* BYE vs. uab Against Utsa [Thu] At the army in Memphis [Fri] In the Florida Atlantic With rice in South Florida [Thu]
12 Sat, November 15th BYE Against Utsa Against Memphis in Tulane In East Carolina Against South Florida At UAB BYE At the navy BYE Against Florida Atlantic Against Oregon State* Against nordexas in Charlotte
13 Sat, November 22nd Against Tulsa In Georgia* At UTSA vs. Uconn* BYE BYE With rice Against nordexas At UAB Against Tulane in the temple At the army Against South Florida Against East Carolina
14 Sat, November 29th At UTSA [Fri or Sat] in Tulane In the Florida Atlantic Against East Carolina Against marine [Thu or Fri] in Memphis [Thu or Fri] for a temple [Fri or Sat] in South Florida against rice In north -wet [Fri or Sat] Against Charlotte vs. uab In Tulsa Against the army [Fri or Sat]
15 Sat, December 6th AAC championship [Fri or Sat] AAC championship [Fri or Sat] AAC championship [Fri or Sat] AAC championship [Fri or Sat] AAC championship [Fri or Sat] AAC championship [Fri or Sat] AAC championship [Fri or Sat] AAC championship [Fri or Sat] AAC championship [Fri or Sat] AAC championship [Fri or Sat] AAC championship [Fri or Sat] AAC championship [Fri or Sat] AAC championship [Fri or Sat] AAC championship [Fri or Sat]
16 Sat, December 13th Against marine [neutral]* BYE BYE BYE BYE Against the army [neutral]* BYE BYE BYE BYE BYE BYE BYE BYE

* denotes non-conference game

Confirmed weekday games

There are 15 confirmed weekday five non-conferences and ten conferences. Charlotte and South Florida each have four confirmed weekday games that are the most tied in AAC. However, East Carolina could have up to five, considering that it has two games with flexible data (see next section).

All confirmed weekday games can be found below.


  • Thursday, August 28: East Carolina in NC State
  • Thursday, August 28th: ​​Boise State in Südflorida
  • Thursday, August 28: Alabama State (FCS) at UAB
  • Friday, August 29: Tarleton State (FCS) in the army
  • Friday, August 29: Charlotte against Appalachian State


  • Thursday, September 18: rice in Charlotte
  • Friday, October 3: Charlotte in Südflorida
  • Thursday, October 9: East Carolina in Tulane
  • Friday, October 10th: Südflorida in North Texas
  • Thursday, October 16: Tulsa in East Carolina
  • Friday, October 24th: North Texas in Charlotte
  • Thursday, October 30th: Tulane near Utsa
  • Friday, October 31: Memphis at Rice
  • Thursday, November 6th: Utsa in Südflorida
  • Friday, November 7th: Tulane in Memphis

Floating data, including the AAC championship

There are six games that can be played on one of two data.

One of these games includes the AAC championship game 2025, which has no defined date. The AAC championship was played on a Saturday from 2015 to 23, but lasted last year on Friday evening. As usual, the game is played with the best conference record on the team's campus.

Another remarkable game with flexible data is the trip from Navy to Memphis in week 14. The Matchup is played either on Thanksgiving or on Black Friday. Last year the AAC organized the only college game at the Thanksgiving Festival between Memphis and Tulane in New Orleans. This year the league could have a monopoly for the second year in a row this year on the day of the eggshell between Ole Miss and Mississippi State-Traditional.

All games with floating data can be found below.


  • Friday, September 19 or Saturday, September 20: Byu in East Carolina


  • Thursday, September 25th or Friday, September 26th: Army in East Carolina
  • Thursday, November 27th or Friday, November 28th: ​​Marine in Memphis
  • Friday, November 28th or Saturday, November 29: Army at Utsa
  • Friday, November 28th or Saturday, November 29: Tempel in North Texas


  • Friday, December 5th or Saturday, December 6th: 2025 AAC championship game

Games at the neutral location

For the 2025 season there are two games with a neutral point in which AAC teams are involved. Both are played at the NFL event locations – one in the house of the Carolina Panther and one in the home of the Baltimore Ravens:

  • Friday, August 29: Charlotte against Appalachian State – Bank of America Stadium, Charlotte, NC
  • Saturday, December 13th: Army vs. Navy – M&T Bank Stadium, Baltimore, MD

Other schedules Trivia

  • The removal of the AAC championship game 2024 between Army and Tulane is planned for Saturday, October 18. The two did not fight last year in the regular season, but the Army won the championship weekend in West Point 35-14. This year the remaining moves to New Orleans when the green wave aims to avenge the reigning champions.
  • Charlotte and South Florida lead the league with most confirmed days of the week in four per piece. East Carolina has three confirmed weekday games, but could have up to five. The only team without a single game a week is Florida Atlantic, which all 12 plays exclusively on Saturday. Temple could also connect Florida Atlantic in this regard, since Temple is played in the 14th week between North Texas on Friday or Saturday.
  • The Matchup in week 1 on Thursday evening between East Carolina and NC State is a reservations of the recent game of both teams. The pirates and Wolfpack met in the Military Bowl 2024, in which East Carolina 26-21 was victorious. ECU is looking for its first regular win of the season in the series since 2016.
  • This is the last issue of the Bayou Bucket rivalry between Houston and Rice. The two competitors based in Houston have fought 46 times since 1971 and only conducted a lack of meetings in 1996, 1997, 1998, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2019 and 2020. The Matchup will be created on Saturday, September 6th, the 34-12 series at the Rice Stadium on September 6th, but Rice won the last meeting in 2023 at the Rice Stadium.
  • This is the second year in a row in which the army and marine share the AAC, but the army navy game has been classified as a non-conference matchup since the AAC championship game. Last year the Army ended 8-0 in the AAC game and won the AAC championship a week before he was opposed to the navy in the annual rivalry. However, Navy decreased the league champions in neutral site rivality. Due to the non-conference name, the army has been technically unbeaten in the AAC game since it entered the league.
  • On the 2025 AAC schedule there are four qualification games for College Football Playoffs from 2024. Uab will go to Tennessee on Saturday, September 20th. In week 11, Navy will play a street game with Notre Dame on November 22nd.
  • Tulane is the only FBS team that avoids playing an opponent of FCS in 2025. The Green Wave host Northwestern and Duke and travels to South Alabama and Ole Miss for their non-conference slate.
  • The six-time super bowl champion head coach Bill Belichicks first street game as the front man of North Carolina will be in Charlotte on Saturday, September 6th. This will be the second meeting between the Tar-Heels and 49s and the first in the 15,000-seat-Jerry Richardson stage.
  • Südflorida is waiting for a team before leaving its state borders. With three home games, street games in Florida and Miami (FL) and an bye in the first six weeks, the bulls only have to leave the Sunshine State in North Texas on Friday, October 10th.
  • The AAC will not take part in week 0 this year. The only AAC teams that ever take part in week 0 are 2023 Navy (against Notre Dame) and 2017 in Südflorida (against San Jose State).