
The 51-year-old man who was arrested because he stabbed the Syracus man

Syracuse, NY-a 51-year-old man was arrested on Friday because he stabbed a man out of Syracus, the police said.

Latommie “Tommie” Bell was in the chest near the 342 Richmond Ave. found, the police said. He was brought to the Upstate University Hospital, where he died.

On Friday, the police arrested Marlon Mason, 51, in New York City, said SGT. Thomas Blake, a spokesman for the Syracuse police. Mason is homeless, he said.

Mason was brought back to Syracus and charged with the first degree and the criminal possession of a third -degree weapon, said Blake. It is recorded in the Justice Center of the Onondaga County Justice Center.

According to state prison files, Mason seems to have gone in prison for criminal possession of a criminal possession of a controlled substance suspicion from 2018.

According to | The post-standard archives.

Latommie Bell died after he died on Wednesday, February 6, 2024, in the chest near the 342 Richmond Ave. had been stabbed.Hayley Durham