
Gaylord Record Record season for snow

Gaylord, me. – This snow season was one for the record books in a part of Michigan. The National Weather Service Office in Gaylord recorded more snow this season than in any other season.

The crowd is amazing! From midnight it was reported that Gaylord's snow was a total of 185.9 inches. Only shy of 186 inches! This total is THREE TIMES As much as Grand Rapids has received for this season so far.

Gaylord is located in the north of Lower Michigan; About an hour drive east of Traverse City.

For the comparison, according to National Weather service officials in Gaylord, the previous record in this place was set up at 185.6 inches during the 2006-07 snowfall season.

Snowfall measurements in the NWS Gaylord Office (9 miles south of Gaylord) began in the 1996-97 snowfall. Before this season, the snowfall statistics came from Gaylord, which are appropriate. And date from 1940. In this place, the snowfall record was 207.5 inches, observed in the snowfall season 1996-97.

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