
The volunteers of the WV Returned Peace Corps celebrate Peace Corps Day

Parkersburg, W.VA. (WTAP) – The volunteers of the West Virginia Returned Peace Corps consist of former members of the peace corps, friends and family.

According to Meg Kinghorn, the President of West Virginia explains the peace corps, explains the process of the Peace Corps and how they become members.

“In general, a volunteer will be overseas for two years and of everything that he could live in a community or in a clinic,” said Kinghorn. “You could work in a capital. I was based in the capital of the Republic of Kiribati and traveled to all different islands. It really depends on the task of the individual volunteer. You usually work closely with a counterpart. It is about really sharing these skills and sharing these relationships. “

Kinghorn added that we celebrate the peace corps to honor those who volunteered in overseas.

“It is an expansion of American values. It really celebrates relationships to take the time and recognize what volunteers gave abroad. It is to become more secure, more well -founded and wealthy as they benefit from and how this benefits the United States.

You can click more about Peace Corps' volunteers returned by West Virginia, you can click here.

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