
4 Bizarre China dishes to challenge traditional palate -Ochsen -Dung -Hotpot, rabbit heads

Overseas visitors to China are often fascinated by the diverse culinary dishes that the country has.

As a result of the huge area of ​​the nation and the different lifestyles of their different population groups, some offers, which are considered delicacies by locals, seem to other grotesque.

We look at four of the most bizarre dishes that challenge traditional palates.

Rabbit head

This rashing dial is usually eaten as a street snack that is washed down with beer. Photo: Shutterstock

In the Southwest Chinese province of Sichuan in the Sichuan province, the locals consume about 95 percent of the country's rabbits.

This has led to a joke that no rabbit can let Sichuan live. In addition to the meat of the herbivorses, the locals like to do their heads, which is usually cooked with chilli oil and hot pepper.

Rabbit heads that are sold for 10 and 20 yuan each (1.4 US dollars and 2.8 US dollars) are a joint street snack that is usually accompanied by beer.

Videos that show how to eat the court on social media after people have complained, it is difficult to end due to all the bones.

“I have it to the fullest by eating a rabbit head. I think the process is like an anatomy, ”said an internet user.