
Blind date: “There was a power game with the heating”

Derek on Esme

Did you have any expectations before the date? What did you hop for?

It was definitely different because we knew each other, but it was still good, in an unexpected wayJoanne Yau for the university

I was hoping that someone was nice and funny. But I knew my date! I had expected it to be someone I didn't know. Because it was someone I knew that it was more a blind date because I didn't expect it! I was so stressed that I didn't know her, and then I did what another angle was than the typical blind date.

“It became a battle of facts by de Niro and Pacino!”

So they met on the picker. How were the mood?

It was so busy in the pickerel, so we were in the smoking area. I had problems in connection with jackets, which meant that it was wet, but I had said that it was what I would wear, so I tried to style it. I lost it and then freezed outside! But I think I played it …

Did the date meet your expectations?

We really got on what was good. It was definitely different because we knew each other, but it was still good, in an unexpected way.

What was your first impression?

“Oh my god, it's esme!” I had expected that I had to ask “you are my date”, but instead it was “definitely not”. So my first impression was definitely shocked!

What did you talk about? Did you have a lot in common?

We talked about it atonementWhat was nice. And we talked about how much money we would have to be paid to go back and make puberty again. We also talked about how our parents met. I had a really boring story about how my parents met because they worked on the same job, but their story – they met over a body – blew my out of the water! Fortunately, I said mine first. Robert de Niro and Al Pacino were a topic of conversation, especially which is which. We exchanged shovels against them, so it became a battle of facts by de Niro and Pacino!

Were there any unpleasant moments?

Probably the jacket – I trembled a little over the entire date. And all heaters were taken! When you showed up, I ran for it! And she kept turning it off and I continued to turn her on …

How would you describe ESME in three words?

Funny, warm, familiar.

Would you see Esme again?

I think to see her again is inevitable! I saw her stand-up show with a woman and it felt like I was an appointment with a celebrity, so I will probably see her on the big screen again!

What would you rate the date of ten?

Eight – it was great despite the jacket! And we had strange but good conversations. Basically it was the opposite of deposits … it was up to date!

Do you have anecdotes from the date on which you would tell your friends?

I was probably so concerned about the blind date that was not blind or maybe trembling. Or maybe she continued to switch off the heating like a power play.

If you could change something over the evening, what would that be?

I would get the picker to have hundreds of heating.

Esme on Derek

Did you have any expectations before the date? What did you hop for?

I had obviously hoped for someone I hadn't met yet … but it couldn't be helped! It was exciting to think about meeting someone who is completely new.

“He insisted on having a tab for a drink!”

So they met on the picker. How were the mood?

Wednesday is a good day to be there, so it wasn't super busy or loud. It was also equidical for both of us, which was practical.

What was your first impression?

Derek is very talkative what is really great and we still managed to entertain a nice chat!

What did you talk about? Did you have a lot in common?

I never asked Derek a lot about his family, so we talked about how our parents got to know each other. We also spoke about summer vacation.

Were there any unpleasant moments?

Not really … I think he was pretty cold because he brought a wet jacket while I wasn't that cold, so we continue to switch the heating away and off!

How would you describe Derek in three words?

Smart, funny and a good listener.

Would you see Derek again?

I will see him by chance or as a friend, but I think we were both happy to have it as an option, in contrast to date.

What would you rate the date of ten?


Do you have anecdotes from the date on which you would tell your friends?

It was funny that there was so much anticipation with my friends and me about who it would be, because then to be someone I knew. And something else was funny that he said that every time Derek got a drink, he would get “it it on the tab” – he insisted on having a tab for a drink in the picker!

If you could change something over the evening, what would that be?

While the picker is nice, there are many people they know there. So going to another pub could have been nice.

The names have been changed for data protection reasons.