
At this Dr. SEUST -TAG, which was born on March 2, receives a free book

Dr. SEUS ENTERPRISES increases the operation this year and offers even more free books to celebrate Dr. Seuss Day.

Last year, the organization promised to give a free book born on March 2, 2024. This year everyone in the USA on March 2 – from each year – can receive a free, personalized copy of “The Cat in the Hut”.

Alternatively, authorized readers can donate their free copy of the first book, a non -profit organization that provides children in sub -supplied communities.

“Learning and development through the joy of reading are of central importance for our mission at Dr. Seuss Enterprises, ”says Susan Brandt, President and CEO of Dr. Seuss Enterprises, in an explanation. “The expansion of the birthday promise enables us to To bring Seuss Books to many other readers, because “the more you read, the more things you know. The more you learn, the more places you will go.”

How to get a free book on Dr. Seuss Day snaps

Every birthday based in the USA on March 2 is entitled to receive a free copy of “The Cat in the Hut”. To get yours, register at and choose whether Dr. Seuss Enterprises will send your book to you or donate it to a child in an under -sector community.

What is Dr. Seuss Day?

Dr. Seuss Day was celebrated every March 2 and honors the beloved children's book author behind classics such as “The Cat in the Hut”, “Green Eggs and Ham” and “Oh, the places they go!” Theodor Seuss Geisel was born on this day in 1904. The celebration on Sunday would mark its 121st birthday.

Reading the National Education Association throughout the America Day with Dr. SEUSE Day together until 2019 when the partnership contract ended. Although the two are celebrated on or on the same day, NEA has ulcerous to concentrate their annual reading day on various children's books. This year the day throughout America is on March 3.

The shift came in the course of controversy and criticism of the portayal of colored ones in some SEUS books. At Dr. SEUS DAY in 2021 Dr. Seuss Enterprises stated that it would hire the sales of six books because they “illustrated people in a way that is hurtful and wrong,” illustrated.

This year Dr. Seuss Enterprises March 2 with the ninth annual “Tackle Reading” event, a partnership between Creative Minds Publications and NFL players, in which athletes will read a loved one at a school-wide meeting. The participating schools also receive a collection of random house books for children and each child receives his own Dr. SEUSS book.

Clare Mulroy is the US books reporter from USA Today, where she covers Buzzy publications, maintains with authors and immerse yourself in the culture of reading. Find them On InstagramSubscribe to our weekly Books newsletter Or tell her what you read