
Buy the first house in Florida: mistakes I wish I had done differently

  • After years of life in Miami I bought a house in Florida. I realized that I know a lot.
  • I didn't know that my options for home insurance in Florida were a bit limited.
  • Shortly home in home ownership, pest control and the removal of tree became unexpected costs.

I recently made one of the greatest personal and financial decisions of my life: buying a house in Florida.

I was a millennium from West Virginia and I lived in Miami for seven years. I was excited, in the area I had fallen in love to officially downright roots.

I felt quite ready to buy my property because my parents had our house as a teenager, and I grew up from the general costs, stress and advantages that go hand in hand with the homeowner.

However, I quickly found out how much I really didn't know. Here are five things that I had done before buying my house in Florida.

I wish I had examined how few companies insure houses in Florida

I lived most of a decade in Florida, so I saw how fleeting the weather can be.

However, I would never have thought that this would prevent this known insurance company (or even not) that homeowners Florida offer new guidelines.

Due to my state, big names such as Progressive and Costco Insurance Agency were not even options when I wanted to insure my property.

In the end I got an incredible insurance company from a smaller company that is still active in South Florida. Nevertheless, I wish I would have known how few options I would really have if it were to protect my property.

I should have checked how much my new postcode would influence my carcates

Air supervision of houses in Miami

Miami has several postcodes.

Franz Marc Frei/Getty Pictures

I didn't ask my postcode as well as I should do when I bought my house.

After all, I had many other things to fear and I had previously lived in different parts of the Miami-Dade County. However, 34 municipalities and various activities are not registered in this area alone.

Various parts of Dade have their own postcodes, and the premiums for automotive insurance can vary depending on life. This is also not only the case in Florida.

I should have taken more time to examine exactly how my new zippers would affect my car insurance – especially because I would live here for a while.

I wish I had researched how expensive tree removal could be before buying the property

After I had moved in, some tree branches fell from a massive banyan in my garden – and I started examining how much it would cost to remove the tree.

The best quote I got were 12,000 US dollars due to the project.

If I had also known how expensive the construction removal in Südflorida (and in general) could be, I may have paid additional ones to examine the trees before closing or even look at another property.

It would have been helpful to visit my new neighborhood after a rainstorm to see how much it flooded

Flooding parking lot in Miami

It is difficult to avoid floods in Südflorida.

Lokman Vural Elibol/Anadolu via Getty Images

There is really no way to avoid minor floods in South Florida.

Many places Miami also flood in daily rain showers. It doesn't matter whether you are on the beach of Miami or a few miles in the interior.

However, it would have been nice to know how it would regularly affect me before I bought my house.

Although the street in which I live, do not flood too much, the main streets with which I come to my house do. I wish I had after a storm after a day to see where the floods influence my neighborhood the most.

I wish I knew more about pest control before I buy a house here

Unfortunately, Florida's climate is cheap for many creatures that I don't want in my house.

When I was a tenant, my landlords were responsible for pest control-and luckily they quickly solved all problems related to insects in the real estate in which I used to live.

Because it had never been my responsibility, I didn't know how to keep my property free of termites, palmetto bugs, snakes and iguanas.

This was something that I had to learn from friends who lived all their life in Florida very quickly.

Pest-Control services are a cost that I had not expected at first, but I am very grateful that the professionals taught me how I can protect my home before an adult infestation could begin.