
Science of happiness: 5 experts approved practical tips to lead a joyful life

After a decade, the lucky expert and author Stephanie Harrison has fortunately developed a new philosophy. In an interview with CNBC Make IT, Harrison shared five practical and scientifically supported strategies to help individuals lead a more fulfilling life.

Show mistakes as growth opportunities

Errors are often regarded as failures, but Harrison advises this way of thinking. “Everyone makes mistakes, and yet we somehow believe that we should be the exception of this rule and be able to do everything perfectly,” she said to make CNBC. Instead of being discouraged by mistakes, she suggests considering them as essential learning experiences that contribute to personal growth and improvement.

Find support instead of doing everything alone

Harrison emphasizes how important it is to look for help if necessary, and finds that social norms often promote hyperununism. “We live in a highly individualistic culture that the idea that people alone do great things,” she likes to maintain, “she said. However, she believes that every personal performance is made possible by the support of others, which makes it decisive to achieve and accept help if necessary.

Take regular breaks

Quiet is often overlooked, but Harrison emphasizes his role in maintaining motivation and creativity. “By taking time, we can use our creativity, strengthen our motivation and maintain our well -being,” she said. It recommends integrating moments of the idle state into daily and weekly routines in order to maintain long -term productivity and happiness.

Identify what is really important

Many people grow up with social values ​​that focus on perfection, performance and competition. Harrison encourages people to think about their personal values. “Identify your top 5. Every time you make a decision, pause a break and ask yourself: 'What choice is most aligned with my values?'” She advised. This practice ensures that daily decisions lead to a more significant and more fulfilling life.

Break big dreams into small, accessible destinations

The pursuit of large dreams can often feel overwhelming and lead to inactivity. Harrison suggests to disassemble ambitious goals into smaller, manageable steps. “The dreams we have are often so great that we feel overwhelmed. A short-term milestone like a one or two-month goal can offer clarity and motivation.” Ask: “What would be appropriate to achieve at this point?”, “Added. Implementation of these strategies that are scientifically supported can take meaningful steps to lead a happier and more fulfilling life.