
Dark vehicle was looking for neighborhood in penrose neighborhood trips in the neighborhood

“Mediffers came and transferred the 14-year-old to the hospital, where he was listed in a critical condition,” said the police.

St. Louis-a 14-year-old boy was critical after a shooting on Saturday afternoon in St. Louis after being hit in front of a corner business in Penrose of shots.

According to the police, the boy was in front of the shop in Shreve and Anderson Avenue when several shots came from a dark -colored vehicle that drove around 3 p.m., the vehicle left the scene.

Officials of the sixth district of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department were sent to the intersection to respond to reports on a shootout. When they arrived, they found the boy who was wounded by shots.

“Mediffers came and transferred the 14-year-old to the hospital, where he was listed in a critical condition,” said the police.

You may find more information further into the investigation. This story is updated with the latest information as soon as you are available.

If investigators of the sixth district go into the shootout, the members of the community can help with information about the incident by calling the North Patrol Division under number 314,444,0001.

“If you are interested in a cash reward for your information and want to stay anonymous crimestops under 866-371 tips (8477),” said the police.

Resources for victims of crime:

If you have become the victim of a crime or know someone it was, 5 has created a list of resources on your side.

The victim of the crime of St. Louis has several programs to support victims of crime. The programs of the criminal victim center range from direct services to victims of crime as well as “awareness and changes in the systems that they encounter”.

Life outside of violence “helps those who are violated by stabbing, shot or assault, the treatment, support and resources they need to find alternatives to end the cycle of violence.”

The Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis has the neighborhood healing network, which serves people who have experienced crime, violence or victims of an incident that has caused trauma.

Bullet-related Injury Clinic (BRIC) is a clinic in St. Louis based in the municipality that helps people after they have been injured by a ball. The BRIC was founded to help people who were released from the emergency room after the shot.