
Storm preparation week: important safety tips

Storm preparation week: important safety tips

Meteorologist Katie Horner accompanies us to show how you can prepare your family for the storm season

The month of March with a relatively quiet start. We were not so lucky in other years. Power flashes. Brian. Tornado on the floor. In fact, eight years ago we were in the air this week when an EF Three Tornado tore through parts of Oak Grove east of the city. The storm destroyed or damaged almost 500 houses and shops. I thought to myself that someone would be dead here. It looked like it looked like a bomb. This whole neighborhood. Things changed so quickly. You don't really have time to deal with you when you take place. Surprisingly, nobody died that day. A will survivor says about early warning and is prepared before they occur. For this purpose, the beginning of the week with storm preparation, a time that should help families should help improve what to do when the weather becomes ugly. We asked the first alarm meteorologist Katie Horner to join us today to discuss the risks this season and what you have to do to remain safe. Thank you for being here. I'M PLEASED. At first we had a very active winter. How do we expect the storm season that develops? If you know if I would tell you that it would be an not active season, I don't want you to take your guard. Let's just accept, all seasons are difficult seasons and are ready for every kind of storm. This coming week we will talk about a part of the storm every day. Monday is about creating a plan. Tuesday will speak of floods. Missouri has finished sixth in the past 15 years in the amount of deaths due to floods. And we will talk about tornados, wind and lightning. Missouri also takes eighth place for deaths by lightning. So we really want to talk about getting off the water in the area. Lakes around the lake of the Ozarks. Because of this high risk. When you create your family plan. One thing that we really want to take home is to ensure that you drill the plan with your family. Can your children carry out the plan if they are not at home? And then of course the other. If I know where to be at home or whether you are not at home, I will go through it with you. We will see what you should use in an emergency kit. Plans for your pets and a way to stay aware of the weather. Whether you are at home or in your car or not. If we look at the floods, there is only the simplest rule. Turn around. If floods do not drown, it is a risk. And when we talk about Tornados, Kansas has the second most common tornados in the country. If we have tornados like the Linwood Tornado, it was the only storm. We had a helicopter with Johnny Rowlands. We followed it with our Doppler. They knew it would come. They had time to look for protection. Our concerns are these storms, like the Oak Grove Tornado, if you don't have time to see it, you need to know what you have to do immediately. And you need to know where to go in your house. Keller is always the best chance, your best choice. If you don't have a basement, the interior without a window is your second best place. Always remember that you want to go low. You want to be so low on the ground, if not as underground as possible. You want to under something stable, like a desk or a mattress, and you want to protect your entire body from shoes to the protection of your body with blankets and your head, maybe with a helmet. Then we talk about wind and hail and about how wind does not have to turn to cause considerable damage and lightning security. On Friday, the greatest concern of lightning security and the easiest way to remember when Thunder roars. Go inside. You are not safe from an awning or in your garage. You want to be in a very robust building. When flash is present. Fortunately, we have no storm in our forecast, but we have a chance that there will be storms this week. IN ORDER. The biggest snack, however, is, as they said for families, only to drill this. YES. And again you don't risk your life when your children know what to do. You can stay safe where you are. Your children can also be safe. Words to live, okay. Katie. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Do you remember the Tornado drills in Kansas and Missouri at 11 on Wednesday morning? It's all just an exercise. But as we said, good idea to overcome their plans and what they do in a real emergency. And we remind you on Wednesday with a view of the willingness and keep the KMBC Nine News app at hand. We will send warnings and to the tiny prediction

Storm preparation week: important safety tips

Meteorologist Katie Horner accompanies us to show how you can prepare your family for the storm season