
Garden talks: tips for planning a flowering vegetable garden at home

Jill and Rick van Duyvendyk answer all of their garden questions in the garden conversation over 650 CKOM and 980 CJME every Sunday morning at 9 a.m.

Here are some questions and answers from the show of March 2:

These questions and answers were processed and compressed out of clarity.

Q: What is the best place for a house in the house? Any tips on planning vegetable garden?

A: The more sun, the better the most important thing. Don't put it under a tree. Decide between an increased garden or one in the ground.

You know in which direction your garden is exposed and where the sun is and where it is and what kind of vegetables you want to grow.

Tomatoes and pumpkin require a lot of sunlight and southern or western exposure. Other leafy vegetables and herbs and some brassicas like broccoli do not like the heat in summer, so that they can grow them on an east exposure.

Learn more about accompanying plants. Planting things like marigolds keeps many insects away and attracts many pollinators.

Make sure you rotate your plants annually. Do not plant potatoes in the same place that you made last year and carefully plant tomatoes after a potato harvest for checking the disease.

Do not overlook your garden – enter it in a quadrat foot and find out how many of a certain plant you can grow per square foot.

See the Dutch breeding guide to prepare your garden spring here.

Q: Is it a problem to have a lot of condensation on seed shells with plastic?

A: Keep the plastic until your seeds are sprouted. Watch how the floor is not saturated, it is the case, simply raise the page up to let out the condensation.

As soon as the leaves come out of the ground, take the plastic to reduce condensation when there is about 60 to 80 percent germination, and use a small fan to get a little air air in the area to keep the seedlings strong.

Let the light grow that sits about six inches above the seedling. When the plant grows, move it continuously so that it stays six inches above the system.

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Q: Should I fertilize hot pepper and tomato seeds?

A: Sämlers already have many nutrients in the seeds and the first two leaves. If you start receiving a second or third leafy replacement, this is the time to add additional nutrients.

Use a full fertilizer like 20-20-20 at half the strength. Do not use a fertilizer with slow release, use a water -soluble fertilizer and never fertilize a dry plant. Make sure you have a little moisture in the ground before fertilizing yourself.

Q: How high up do you cut tall trees that need to be trimmed?

A: It really depends on a personal decision. Some people branches low and some people like the branches so that they don't hit their heads on them when mowing the grass.

This also applies to evergreen. Some people like that that hang because nothing will grow underneath, but some people like to see and go under the trees.

Otherwise you will thin the branches as high as possible. There are also things like Poldfreuners who reach almost 12 feet in the tree.

With apple trees, they almost thin the center to the top, as there are some V -branches that go to two managers. Cut one off and let one to leave more
Light in the tree for better fruit and larger apples.

Q: How can I get rid of dog stains on a lawn in spring?

A: In the morning, when it is a little frozen out there, clear up something. There are people who come to their garden and also clean them up for a fee.

When the snow disappears, wake up a light rake from your lawn and pour water into the area – it is the urea in the urine that burns the grass.

Then occupy the area well and you can use a product called EZ Seed Dog Spot Repair or Lawn Reaction 911, the grass seeds and things to neutralize the
Urine and let the grass grow.

There is also a product called dog spot from being used in spring, summer and autumn like fertilizer at the same time.

You can also use a room with a chicken wire fence with an entrance or a dog with gravel and train and train the dog to go to this point.


Q: How do I get raspberries in spring?

A: As soon as the snow disappears, cut the old sticks that were fruitful last year –
Canes in the third year-to-soil that can produce the Canes in the second year that will produce this year, as well as the new vacuum cleaners (sticks in the first year), which may be produced at the end of the season or next year.

If there are sticks in the second year that are six feet high, cut them into half or build a grid position with wire between you to keep the sticks up. If you transplant raspberries, the best time is as soon as the floor is thawed.

Q: Can I use the rooting hormone for canna lilies if I rejuvenate it after storage?

A: No, you don't have to use root hormone. If you want to use something, add a little bone flour, just a small amount of nutrients. These lamps already have a lot of nutrients.

Head in a mixed mixed mixture with good drainage in a saucepan, one or two inch diameter than the size of the light bulb.

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