
UIA confirmed in 2024 Record production and exports

The latest data from the energy information management show us ethanol production in 2024 to a record of 16.22 billion gallons (BG), which, according to the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA), was attracted by the increasing domestic consumption and the record exports of 1.92 BG.

Domestic use rose to 14.26 BG, the highest level since 2019, which reflects the persistent expansion of the number of retail stations that offer E15, together with exceptional regulations from the environmental protection authority, which can be sold all year round. Ethanol exports rose by more than 500 million gallons or 37%over 2023.
“The official EIA data published today confirm that 2024 was a banner year for the US Ethanol industry,” said Geoff Cooper, President and CEO of RFA. “The ethanol producers of our nation have contributed to leading the way to American energy dominance and achieving record highs for both production and exports. The industry is looking forward to building this success in 2025 by working with the Trump government to quickly expand domestic consumption and to continue to grow exports to international markets. “

To obtain comprehensive information on exports from 2024

At the latest national ethanol conference, RFA General Counsel Ed Hubbard moderated a body for exporting options with Everett Eisensstat with Squire Patton Boggs and Ryan Legrand, the President of the US grain Council and the CEO, in order to look out as part of the new Trump administration as well as specific challenges and opportunities for the elaboration of To examine ethaners.
Rfanec Expanding Exports Panel (45:18)