
Conant High School published the message after 2 students died of carbon monoxide poisoning – NBC Chicago

The Conant High School in Hoffman Estate's families shared a message to families after two students died of obvious carbon monoxide poisoning early on Sunday morning.

According to the police, civil servants and paramedics were called in the 200 Block of the East Berkley Lane for a report by two non -reacting people within a vehicle at around 12:37 p.m. The police and firefighters broke into the closed car and pulled out a 16-year-old girl and a 17-year-old boy. Both teenagers were taken to the hospital where they died.

The office of the Cook County Medical Examiner identified the teenagers as Litzy Flores, 16 and Yeferson A. Flores Ramos, 17th director Julie Nowak published a letter to the school community and partly explained: “Both Yeferson and Litzy were loved by their teachers and classes.”

“Yeferson prepared for a degree and had plans to join the US Army,” she said. “He was a proud Conant student who represented Hondura's last week at the international trade fair of our school. Litzy actively researched her way and used the best of the possibilities of Conant.”

The therapists will be present during the entire class of the teenager on Monday, said the headmaster.

The headmaster's full letter to the school community is below:

“Dear Conant families,

I report the death of two students of Conant High School with great sadness. Sophomore Litzy Flores and Senior Yeferson Flores Ramos died unexpectedly on Saturday evening in what the authorities report as a tragic accident. This is a terrible loss for the entire Conant community. As a school, our thoughts in this extremely difficult time are together with the families, relatives and friends of Yeferson and Litzy.

Yeferson prepared himself for the conclusion and had plans to join the US Army. He was a proud Conant student who represented Hondura's school at the international trade fair of our school last week. Litzy actively explored her way and used Conant the best of the possibilities. Both Yeferson and Litzy were loved by their teachers and classmates.

Our crisis team is available and we will have therapists in each of Yeferson and Litter's courses tomorrow. Additional support will be available to every needy student. Our therapeutic staff will be present in the team rooms and in small rooms with comfort dogs.
I ask you to take the adults in our community, parents and legal guardians, to discuss this loss with your children. It is helpful for students to process the loss at home with their families. Later I will send an e -mail to the students and communicate how they can access support at school.
Everyone can influence these types of news differently, including those that the students may not know. Students may need to need support if they experience one of the following symptoms over a longer period of time if they process this loss: extreme sadness, difficulties of sleep/eating, concentration, irritability, isolation, shock feelings, fear and worry or numbness. Please contact your student's consultant or team room manager if you believe that a student needs additional support.

I am confident that our Conant community will be together to create an environment of caring support for each other, and that these families know the love we had for Yeferson and Lissen. If details are available on public services, I will also pass on this information. “


Julie Nowak