
The behavior improves as a result of the mobile phone ban

A 12-month review of the mobile phone ban from the Malinauskas Labor Government has resulted in significant improvements in the behavior of the students.

Three and ninety percent of the managers have reported a decline in time supply with problems with telephones, and the majority of employees and parents who report a more increased focus and a more positive activities to interrupt the time.

A survey among parents, employees and students who were carried out as part of a one -year review of the guideline had more than 3000 entries, with more than three quarters of the employees and two thirds of the parents said that the ban was positive.

  • 93 percent of managers and 79 percent of the teachers reported a reduction in the time of the staff who have persecuted problems with telephones/social media
  • 83 percent of managers and 75 percent of the teachers reported on a more positive activity of pause times
  • 76 percent of the managers and 70 percent of the teachers reported on increased focus and commitment during the learning time
  • 75 percent of managers and 64 percent of the teachers reported a lower frequency of critical incidents where devices take place in school

Parents who said they were concerned about the use of social media through their child, were rather in agreement that the ban had a positive influence (77 percent) compared to parents who did not have these concerns (61 percent).

It also happens that the state leads the nation to carry out bullying initiatives to support our schools. The Minister of Education met with his NSW counterpart Prue Car in Sydney yesterday to sign a declaration of intent in which they share bullying resources, curricula and professional development in the two states. The agreement includes all school sectors, including independent and Catholic.

NSW will benefit from the suite of anti-bullying resources that SA has created in the past 12 months, including the new course for children and violent behavior for children who have just been published.

South Australia has the country's strongest mobile phone ban – also all day, even during breaks. This has played an important role in supporting anti -social behavior in schools and reducing incidents.

In addition, there were critical incidents in three areas created by schools of the Department of Education in connection with mobile phones or social media incidents in the Department of Education Department.

  • A decline in the number of incidents of 57.3 percent via social media in 2024 (90) compared to 2023 (211).
  • A decrease in the number of incidents by 37.9 percent of behavioral problems that share a device in 2024 (103) compared to 2023 (166).
  • A decrease in the number of incidents by 34 percent on compliance with political compliance in 2024 (33) compared to 2023 (50).

The students were asked what they do during break and lunch breaks, with other conversations, walking around and sports or ball games play the most important results.

Building on the ban, the students also receive updated training from 2025 on online security, the risk of inappropriate commitment and strategies, to get support for the understanding of digital security and the appropriate use of devices.

After the review, no significant changes to the directive were recommended.

All students in all South Australian schools have to switch off their mobile phones and other personal devices (e.g. smartwatches) during school days and switch off out of sight, unless they have received permission to use their personal equipment in accordance with an exception of the guidelines.

As provided by Peter Malinauskas

Since the community continues to work with the problem of the damage caused by social media platforms, this government has taken decisive measures to protect young people during school hours to ensure the appropriate use of devices.

We knew that this was the right thing – and the data reflected this.

We also have a broader stand with social media, since we are very aware of the harmful effects that it has on young people.

As set by Blair Boyer

After the introduction of the ban, I can be seen that the employees see fewer topics with personal devices at school, more socialization and student interest in other activities during the break and lunch breaks as well as improvements in focus and engagement in the classroom.

This state -leading policy was an important change that helps the students concentrate on their studies and build personal relationships. We will try to build on it when we concentrate on reducing bullying and incidents of violence in schools.

The teachers tell me that this has increased the focus in the classroom, which is of crucial importance for the students to use the training free of distractions, bullying or inappropriate influence on social media.

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