
To the

The Haryana teacher authorization test (HTTE) is organized by the School training Haryana (Bseh) Determination of the justification of candidates who want to teach Haryana schools in Haryana schools to teach at the Primary (PRT), Middle (TGT) and Senior Secondary (PGT). The examination plan still has to be published this year. Those who pass the exam receive a TET certificate that is now valid for their entire life.

This contains various teaching contributions such as Primary, TGT (certain subjects such as mathematics, natural sciences, etc.) and PGT (specific disciplines such as English, physics, etc. Add a card is available for download a week before the examination from the official website. These registration cards are not sent by post, so the candidates have to download them directly from the website. In order to access the registration card, the required details must be entered.

2025 details and updates

Examination organizer School training Haryana (Bseh)
Name of the examination Haryana teacher authorization test (HTTE)
Exam date Announced
Examination type Offline
Add card status Be released

Examination plan

The originally planned exam for December 7th and December 8th, 2024 was postponed. The government's new announcement of the government's examination plan is expected. The candidates should prepare for the revised data and stay up to date by regularly visiting the official website for further announcements.

Paper pattern and examination scheme

The HTTET test has different structures for PRT, TGT and PGT values.

Level 1: Elementary school teacher (PRT)

Section Questions Markings
Child development & pedagogy 30 30
Languages ​​(Hindi & English) 30 30
General studies 30 30
mathematics 30 30
Environmental studies 30 30
In total 150 150

Level 2: Trained doctoral teacher (TGT)

Section Questions Markings
Child development & pedagogy 30 30
Languages ​​(Hindi & English) 30 30
General studies 30 30
Subject specific 60 60
In total 150 150

Level 3: Post -Graduated teacher (PGT)

Section Questions Markings
Child development & pedagogy 30 30
Languages ​​(Hindi & English) 30 30
General studies 30 30
Subject specific 60 60
In total 150 150
  • The test consists of 150 multiple choice questions.
  • Each question bears 1 mark.
  • The period is 02 hours and 30 minutes.
  • There is no negative marking scheme.
  • The medium of the exam is bilingual (Hindi and English, except language papers).
  • Qualification brands for the general categories are 90 points (60%). For SC/PH from Haryana, 82 points (55%) and SC/PH must receive 90 points (60%) from other conditions.

Add details of the Haryana teacher approval test

The registration card is an obligatory document to enter the examination hall. It contains the name of the candidate, the roll number, the photo, the address of the examination center, the examination level, the timing, the shift and the important instructions for the test day. The candidates must ensure that all details are correct and that the Bsehen special examination immediately report discrepancies. The candidates should wear a valid photo ID and add a card to the examination center. Make sure you keep a copy of the registration card until the entire selection process concludes.

Steps to download the HTTTE registration card 2025 after publication?

Follow these steps to download your HTET 2025 registration card if you are officially published:

  1. Visit the official website at
  2. Click the “Htet Admit Card 2025” link.
  3. Enter your registration number and password.
  4. Click the Send the Send button.
  5. The registration card is displayed on the screen.
  6. Download the registration card as a future reference and print it out.