
The invoices in Florida would set up the Limited Treuhandfonds for grants for home hardening

Floridas Chief Financial Officer, now a candidate for the congress, supports a legislation that would set up a trust fund that would help finance hardening grants in the coming years.

The Senate Bill 1466 sponsored by Senate Nick Diceglie and House Bill 851 by Rep. Chip Lamarca, which is sponsored by Senator Nick Diceglie and House Bill 851, would finance the program by assigning 5% of sales tax revenue from the districts of Hurrikan in the two months after building a storm. Homeowners who make the wind milds to make significant discounts on their HO bonuses.

A fiscal analysis by the legislative employee was not carried out on the invoices. According to Florida Tax Watch, Florida is expected to achieve almost 50 billion US dollars for $ 2025 for $ 2025. For example, if a hurricane concerns 15 counties, depending on which counties may produce about $ 11 billion for the program for my Safe Florida Home Wind Mitation in one year, you could possibly produce about $ 11 billion. However, the invoices would limit the fund's credit to no more than 300 million US dollars.

This year, this year would be $ 590 million for the increasingly popular My Safe Florida home plan of $ 590 million on the proposed funds of $ 590 million, which enables grants up to $ 10,000 for stronger roof connections, wind-resistant windows and doors and other roasts.


The current program and the invoices do not provide funds for flood protection, but another measure this year, HB 1459, would enable some grants to increase the structures together with flood barriers. In February, two other legal templates would provide sales tax exemptions on the effects of the effective doors and windows, said the CFO.

The new invoices would at least partially finance the reduction program at a time when experts have announced throughout Florida and the country that more reduction measures are required to receive real estate insurance losses if the storms intensify and the sea level in Florida increases.

“Unfortunately, it is not, but if another powerful storm aims at Florida,” said Florida Cfo Jimmy Patronis in a statement. “This legislation is a proactive step to protect our communities from hurricanes and the attitude of insurance costs. By creating the My Safe Florida Home Trust Fund, we not only overlap the necessary funds into our local economy, but also the homeowners to strengthen their houses, while using unexpected sources of income from the sales tax increases that we see the following storms.

The My Safe Florida Home program was resumed by the legislators in 2022 and proved to be so popular that it quickly has no money every year.

The program has provided since its rebirth:

  • 109,000 house inspections
  • 58,700 grants at home
  • 576 million US dollars of scholarship financing
  • 240 million US dollars for hardening scholarships reimbursements
  • 1,000 US dollars in average annual premium savings (for participants who complete the program).

Diceglie and Lamarca's invoice would find that the program should maintain excess income every year, but does not exceed over 300 million US dollars to the credit. More than that is sent to the general fund of the state.

The regular legislative session of 2025 Florida begins on Thursday.


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