
MPESB publishes Mahila Paryavekshak Exam 2025 allowing cards at; Step-by-step instructions for download and guidelines

Mahila Paryavekshak test 2025: The Mahila ParyaveShak test (female supervisor) 2025 registration cards were provided by the Madhya Pradesh Employees Selection Board (MPESB). Candidates who have registered for the exam can now download their hall passes on the official website.

The aim of this attitude campaign is to fill the contributions of female superiors in the Department of Women's and Child Development by Madhya Pradesh.

Date and time details:

Exam date: March 7, 2025

Exam meetings:

– First session: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

– Second session: 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Report time for candidate:

– for the first session: Between 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.

– for the second session: Between 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Steps to download the registration card:

Step 1: Go to, the official website of the MPESB.

Step 2: Find and select the “Test registration card – Paryavekshak -recruitment test – 2024 (Sanchalnalay Mahila Evam Bal Vikas MP Bopal)” Link on the homepage.

Step 3: Enter the required login information that contain the first two letters of the mother, the application number, the date of birth and the last four digits of the Aadhar number.

Step 4: After the information has been sent, the registration card is displayed on the screen.

Step 5: Download the entry ticket and then print it out for your data records.

Exam guidelines:

It is recommended that the candidates confirm all information on their registration card, including the name, roll number, the exam date and the center information.

You should contact the MPESB officers immediately when you see differences.

In addition to their registration card, the candidates must bring a legitimate photo -ID evidence for the test site, e.g. B. an Aadhar card, a Pan card or a voter ID.

Mobile phones and calculators are among the many electronic devices that are expressly prohibited in the examination room.

Candidates can visit the official MPESB website at for further information for the exam.