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In spring, the world is prepared for the celebration of the International Women's Day on March 8. The day aims to eliminate discrimination based on gender and to open up the same rights for women worldwide.

The celebration has an immense importance in order to recognize the developing challenges on the way of gender equality that stagnate social progress. The United Nations predict that problems such as children's marriage will take 300 years at the present pace to eliminate and about 140 years before women have a fair representation in power positions. Even the same representation in the national parliaments will only be possible for 47 years, unless the world acts quickly.

According to a UN report in November 2024, every third women experience gender-specific violence worldwide. In 2023, at least 51,100 women were victims of the female, with over half of which was killed by intimate partners or family members, the report added.

On average, women get 20% less than men worldwide. Over 119 million girls are outside school worldwide, and only 49% of the countries achieve gender -specific parity in primary school formation.

These challenges are only the tip of a much deeper, more complex problem that the global economy costs billions and immensely affects the life and well -being of women.