
West Fargo Fire Eyes More firefighters, a fourth station – Inforum

West Fargo – while West Fargo continues to grow, his fire brigade – which can mean a new fire station in the near future.

The department has recently completed a comprehensive risk assessment procedure that analyzes everything from the HR department and demands for service to response times as well as current and future requirements of the department. One of these needs includes a fourth fire station, which is to be built in the extreme southern part of West Fargo.

Fire chief Dan Fuller is said to improve the response times that are not in the target area in some areas. He plans to create new sub -zones within the four coverage units that the department currently cards, he wrote in the report.

West Fargo fire chief Dan Fuller

Contribution / City of West Fargo

He also wants to increase the daily staff of 12 firefighters to 17, which means that another 15 firefighters are hired. West Fargo Fire would then work with the Fargo Fire Department on a program to better react to car accidents in the U -Bahn.

Fuller would like to build the new station on land on the corner 47th Avenue West and Sheyenne Street on the corner.

“The challenge is that the section of the Sheyenne Street together with the 52nd Avenue West in the direction of the diversion will most likely get important upgrades for road size in the future, which can affect the future location,” wrote Fuller in the report. “The costs would be determined closer to the design phase of the station.”

The city commissioner of West Fargo, Rory Jorgensen, commented on the construction of a new station in the southern part of the city, which is located next to the rapidly growing community of Horace. Horace has no city fire brigade. Fuller said West Fargo Fire would go to the city of Horace to support the fire brigade and rescue teams of the Southern Valley, cover Horace and other rural communities in the region.

During the construction of a new fire station, Fuller is on the list of future needs, Fuller said that they will create fourth place behind the staff and the creation of the subzons and the joint car team.

A snapshot of current conditions

The West Fargo fire brigade has 54 employees, including administrative staff as well as full-time and part-time firefighters. The department divides its many tasks into departments.

The department for community risk reduction carries out the enforcement of the fire law, fire and security education/training, examinations of arson, the ratings for risk reduction and the reporting on adults in need of protection. The department also manages the Juvenile Fire Setter program and the Cardiac Ready Community program.

The department for operating department reacts to fires and offers emergency services, vehicle exemptions, trench and collapse of rescue, water and ice rescue, limited room rescue and legal material reaction. The department for professional standards takes care of training, accreditation, equipment services, equipment, inventory and communication

The department currently only has space in its three stations so that 14 firefighters are on duty at the same time. In order to increase the daily staff beyond 14, the department must build an additional fire station. It will take about five years to add the necessary additional firefighters by adding about three new firefighters each year. It is estimated that the new employees would increase the budget of the department budget by around 3.8% per year.

Fuller said that faster response times are reached by a personnel fire brigade for calls and the crew is in a four -minute travel time. He said that about 37% of the city is currently a four -minute drive of a personnel fire station.

Good, but not at the goal

The service for the service rose from 298 in 2014 to 2,783 in 2024. However, the fire brigade reacted to emergency calls in 2017, which added the total number of calls.

In 2024, medical demands for service made 57% of the annual call volume, while the fire brigade, hazmat, public service, good intent, rescue and alarms made up 43% of the volume.

Fuller said that the city continues to grow, so it will call a volume, but he expects West Fargo to speak a little less calls in the future than the average of Fargo and Moorhead. He predicted that there will be about 5,246 views in West Fargo by 2030.

As part of the risk assessment, Fuller analyzed the response times and the latest rating for insurance services for the city. Fuller has often said that he hoped to achieve the best possible insurance rating soon because homeowners can save money for insurance.

The National ISO checks the department and offers a public protection classification number between one and 10, with one the highest level of protection and 10 being unprotected. The last PPC survey, which was carried out in 2018, rated the West Fargo fire brigade as three. A new ISO classification is expected to be published in March.

As part of the ISO classification, groups of services that the department offers receive points. For example, the emergency communication function was awarded 8.5 out of 10 points. In an assessment of engine companies, head company, pump capacity, reserve company, deployment, personnel training and operational considerations, the department achieved 30.4 out of 50 points. For the water system, the department received a score of 36.8 out of 40. In the risk reduction department of the community, points for enforcement, security and education as well as the investigation of contraception and code are awarded. The department deserves 5.1 out of 5.5 points.

The department destinations for the travel time are five minutes for the first company that has reached a medical emergency, 5:20 a.m. for the first company for all other emergencies, eight minutes for the balance of the effective company companies and 10:16 a.m. for the rest of the team that reacts to high -rise buildings.

“In order to improve the reaction time functions, the department must address both the speed and the weight of the answer,” wrote Fuller in the report. “The speed of maintaining the first due company to the emergency location within the defined benchmarks is crucial to immediately mitigate the emergency.