
Video of dogs that are in a funny situation becomes viral

It is not every day when you experience a dog puzzle that makes you laugh uncontrollably. A current video did exactly that and recorded two dogs in an incredibly uncomfortable moment that has now become viral. The film material contains a doberman who sits on a Goldador precarious while the duo tries to get out of its location.

Funny video shows dogs that stick together,

In a scene that feels directly from a slapstick comedy, a Doberman and a Goldador are strange in an unpleasant position. The video, which was posted by its owner under the @Fingershegoldador account, captures the Doberman on the Goldador, since both dogs seem to be confused as they ended up in this bizarre position. With every shaky step they fiddle and move awkward and try to free themselves, but it only manages to make the situation even more fun.

The long legs of the Doberman catch, while the Goldador remains trapped and both confused and his fate looked. Her strange fight turns into an unintentional performance, and we cannot help but laugh than the two dogs navigate their dilemma in the most gracious way. According to the owner, the dogs wandered around this amusing way for about five minutes before they disguised themselves. The video also contains a humorous text overlay with the inscription “If you and your friend share the same brain cell.”

The video quickly received over 148,000 likes and a number of comments, of amused users, many of whom couldn't help but to draw parallels to the antics of their own pets. A user wrote: “My very large laboratory does this to our other and it is so funny”, while another noticed: “Oh my god! Way to make a piggyback for you and not the other way around !! “A third viewer added:“ The dogs finally found it out. But each you have no idea what's going on. “