
APD examines drive-by shoot in the Stracener Street

Alexandria, La. (Calf) – The Alexandria police authority said that the officials had replied to the 900 Block of Stracener Street on Sunday evening (March 2) for a drive-by shooting.

APD said one person has minor injuries and was taken to a local hospital for treatment.

The examination has not yet been completed at this time.

If you have information about this incident, you will be asked to contact APD under (318) 441-6416 or APD Dispatch (318) 441-6559. You can also send information by e -mail to detectives at

For a cash reward, call crime stopers from Cenla at (318) 443-7867. The P3 tipster -app from Crime Stopers can also be downloaded to leave tips and receive a claim number for a money reward at

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