
Invest on Elon Day on March 6th in Elon Athletics

The 12th annual day of Elon University will take place again on Thursday, March 6th. Elon Day inspires thousands of alumni, parents and friends to support the more than 400 school athletes in all 17 teams and programs. Last year, Elon Athletics had a record-breaking Elon Day, when more than 1,000 donors came together, to collect more than $ 712,000 for the support of Elon-Student athletes.

Exciting games, challenges and “bonus Bucks” are presented throughout the Elon Day to support the further effects on the donors. You can check the challenges for athletics below. Be careful not to keep an eye on the officer Elon Day website For the latest information.

Friends and fans can share their love for Phoenix by becoming Elon Day Champion and sharing the opportunity to get involved in their personal and professional networks. Donors can register before or during the entire Elon Day Click here or visit

Follow @elonphoenixclub and both on x and on Facebook to keep up with all progress all day.

If you have any questions about commitment or want to support Elon Athletics on Elon Day, please contact the Phoenix Club under number 336-278-6957.