
Apple Seeds Watchos 11.4 Beta 2 to developer [Download]

Apple has sown the second beta of Watchos 11.4 for Apple Watch for developers to test. The Build number is 22T5228E. This follows the public publication of Watchos 11.3.1 in the last month.

Watchos Beta offers you an early preview of the upcoming apps, functions and technologies.

For more information, see one of the following programs:
• Apple beta software program at
• Apple Developer program at

Here you can find out more about the new in Watchos 11:
● Apple presents Watchos 11 with new knowledge of health and fitness, personalization, more

Check whether your watch is compatible here:
● Watchos 11 supported devices

For devices that run Watchos 9.5 or higher, change your iPhone to Settings> General> Software -Update> Beta Updates and select the developer beta to install this software. Before testing your software on your device, make sure that the developer mode is activated in settings> privacy and security.

To update the latest beta version of Watchos, use the Watch app on the iPhone to update the software.

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