
Fatal fire examination in Benton bossier Press-Tribune

Around 5:45 a.m., Benton Fire District No. 4 (BFD4)
reacted to a reported structural tax in the 500 block of the OAK Ridge Drive in Benton, LA. On arrival,
The crews met with severe fire and smoking conditions with reports about people who were trapped inside.

Firefighters immediately initiated search and rescue operations that can successfully find an adult
Male from the structure and administration of life -saving measures. Unfortunately the victim
He succumbed to his injuries.

An adult woman and a child were able to escape the house before the firefighters arrived. Both
persistent injuries and were transported by Bossier Parish Ems to a local hospital for treatment.

The cause of the fire is examined by BFD4 fireplaces in coordination with the law
Implementation and the Louisiana firefighter.

For further inquiries or further information, please contact Benton Fire District No. 4.