
Criminal alien of the week report, 3rd, 3, 2025

Lars Larson Show: Criminal Alien of the Week Report

March 3, 2025

By David Olen Cross

The “Lars Larson Show: Criminal Alien of the Week Report” In the first full week in March 2025, for regional and national radio listeners and websites, a report on a federal law enforcement agency that was divided twice, Mexican citizen, who was convicted in the state of Idaho and was convicted of immigration break.

Some background information, on Wednesday, February 26, 2025, the US public prosecutor's office for the Idaho (USA) district (USA) issued a press release entitled “Mexican nationals at 27 months in the federal prison for immigration crimes”, which was of interest.

Here is an extended excerpt from the press release from USAodi on February 26, 2025 to Jose Salvador Alcaraz-Küriel:

“Boise – Jose Salvador Alcaraz-Küriel31, A Mexican citizen was sentenced to 27 months in the federal prison because he was found a deported alien in the United StatesThe incumbent US lawyer Justin Whatcott has announced today.

According to court files, Alcaraz-Küriel is a local and Mexican citizen and not a citizen of the United States. The United States legally removed Alcaraz-Küriel from the country in October 2018 and September 2020. After his second elimination from the United States, Alcaraz-Küriel came back illegally and without legal authority. Special agents with the US immigration and customs authority (ICE) performed in Alcaraz-Küriel in Canyon County in March 2024. Alcaraz-Küriel has a history of the state offense and crime in Idaho as well as a conviction of the federal government in Idaho, as well as a conviction of the federal government in the district of Arizona in the district of Arizona because of one found in the United States. “ – U.S. Attorney for the District of Idaho.

The next day, on Thursday, February 27, 2025, the public affairs of the US immigration and customs authority (ICE) gave a press release entitled “Illegal foreigner from Mexico for 27 months in the federal prison, according to the US-ZOL immigration and customs authority, which was of interest.

Here is an extended excerpt from Ice Public Affairs to Jose Salvador Alcaraz-Küriel here:

“Boise – Jose Salvador Alcaraz-Küriel31, An illegal foreigner from Mexico was sentenced to 27 months in the federal prison because he was deported to the USA after an investigation by the US immigration and customs authority on February 24, 2025.

According to court records, Alcaraz-Küriel was previously removed from the United States in October 2018 and September 2020.

“This conviction underlines the commitment of ICE Homeland Security Investigations Special Agents when securing our nation laws,” said ICE HSI Seattle reigning special agent Matthew Murphy. “By blaming individuals for the fact that we have returned to the United States illegally, we emphasize the important role of enforcing immigration when protecting the security and the security of our communities. We are still obliged to enforce immigration laws to protect the American public. “

After his second distance, Alcaraz-Küriel came back illegally and without lawful authority. ICE scored in March 2024 in Alcaraz-Küriel in the County County in Canyon. – Public affairs of the US immigration and customs authority (ICE).

Since he was convicted of an immigration break before the US district court for the Idaho Jose Salvador Alcaraz-Küriel district (booking number: JCSO24-0603): JCSO24-0603; USM Hold) was in the care of the custody of the custody of the sheriff of the district Jerome County (JCSO) (JCSO), which is located in the district in Jerome, in Jerome.

In the near future, Jose Salvador Alcaraz-Küriel will most likely be transferred to the care of the US German Council (BOP), where he will join more than 23,000 criminal aliens who are detained in the BOP prison system.

Lars, the first full week in March 2025 and another “Criminal extraterrestrial of the week” for Lars Larson Show KXL FM 101.1 Northwest Regional and National Radio Show listener and website followers.

David Olen Cross (Docfnc) is a reporter for foreign national crimes. He is a contribution to the “Lars Larson Show: Criminal Alien of the Week Report” for more than ten years. You can find his previous crime reporting Larson ShowCriminal staff from the weekReport 380/