
The Chico police shoot and kill the suspect Michael Oxley after the shootout of the local hairdresser | Butte County

Butte County, California. – The Butte County district prosecutor and the butte County Officer, who involved the shooting protocol team, examine the circumstances in connection with a fatal shootout by Chico police officers in the early Sunday morning.

The shootout occurred, as members of the SWAT team of Chico Police, the 43-year-old Michael Oxley, a suspect at a shootout on Friday evening, hired in a student apartment complex outside the campus in Chico.

According to the district prosecutor Mike Ramsey, the incident developed in the post office, a student building in northern Avenue, where Oxley lived as an Airbnb resident and not as a student. The shooting incident included six members of the Chico Police Swat team, which are currently on administrative holidays.

The situation began on Friday evening when Oxley supposedly shot the 43-year-old George Ramirez III, a well-known hairdresser in the city center of Chico, on the parking lot of Farmer's Market's Market in the downtown Street in downtown Chico Chico.

Ramirez was sitting in his vehicle when a topic approached from behind and several shots fired through the window of the closed driver's side, said Ramsey. Ramirez was hit in the head, neck and shoulder. He was taken to a hospital outside the area for extensive operation and remains in a critical condition.

With the shooting in the city center of Chico, the man lets on Friday evening in a critical condition

The Chico police worked through the night to develop Oxley as the main suspect at the shootout and identified him as an Airbnb resident. An arrest warrant against his arrest was raised by the public prosecutor and a local judge, and the officials tried to arrest Oxley on Saturday around 6 p.m. However, Oxley retired to the building and joined his apartment, which led to a blocking of the complex, said Ramsey.

The situation escalated when Oxley later fled to the parking structure, where the Swat officers were on a ramp between the fourth and fifth stick. According to the police, Oxley was crouched with an extended magazine. Despite a two -hour negotiation that tried to convince Oxley, he got up and shot on officers. In response to it, the officers returned the fire and fatally wounded.

The shootout took place on Sunday, March 2, around 12:30 p.m. and immediately followed an investigation, which was led by the Butte County Officer Involved Shooting Protocol Team.