
Txdot says that University Drive, the HWY 6 project could start in autumn

Bryan, Texas (KBTX) – The Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) began on Monday one of many construction projects that should be completed by early summer.

Txdot started installing a cable barrier along the central median on Highway 6 and SH 21. Andrew Holick, director of construction, told KBTX that the project was for security; to protect against crossover accidents on shared highways.

“The segment on SH 21 and the segment on Highway 6 were not identified as no median that would prevent vehicles that cross the road into oncoming traffic into oncoming traffic,” he said.

The project is one of the few multi-location projects that Txdot carries out in the Brazos Valley, including one on the HWY 47 and in Pleasant Hill Road.

There was a discussion about a potential project that would add a divergent diamond at the University Drive and the Highway 6, as was the case with FM 60 and 2818.

“We would expect the contractor who will be awarded, for example for six months on the next start page. The aim is to expand the Highway 6 to six lanes and have some additional aid traces in some areas. The work is only proven after about three years after the contract and the construction of the exchange, and the conclusion of this specific exchange could take about a year and a half. “