
The students can download SSC Hall tickets from WhatsApp

Guntur: Director of Government Exames, Andhra Pradesh KV Srinivasulu Reddy, announced that the Hall tickets of the students who appear for public SSC exams will be held in the school registrations in March 2025. The students can download the Hall tickets via WhatsApp -Mana Mithra.

The process for downloading the Hall tickets via WhatsApp-Mana Mithra is as follows. The candidates must send a message to 'Hi' to 9552300009 via their WhatsApp and select the service. Then select educational services or Vidya Sevalu. Then select “SSC Hall Ticket. Then enter the application no.: /Child ID and date of birth and select Stream and click on confirmation to receive Hall-Ticket on WhatsApp.

The heads of the schools are instructed to thoroughly check all information from the students in the Hall ticket [email protected] or [email protected].