
GJFD gives tips on how to stay safe during the combustion season

Grand Junction, Colorado (KJCT) -Grand Junction Burn season is from March 1st to April 30th. The Grand Junction fire brigade recently responded to 2 agricultural burns that had come out of control. These burns have advantages, but can also be dangerous.

GJFD said controlled burns are very common in West Colorado and have several positive effects. “It is not only a clear field and enables the planting and developing of the country, but also vegetative waste that can continue to grow and become piling and fuel for wildland fires in the future,” said Dirk Cleanman, GJFD Community Outreach specialist.

The burns can get out of control if they are not careful. One of the causes is that it is too close to flammable materials, heavy winds and not enough people for the process.

A few things can be done to prevent these burns from getting out of control. “The easiest way is that you have to be 50 feet of anything flammable, be it a fence line of your neighbor or a structure on your own property or neighboring structures. However, if you want to burn, it is absolutely important to check the weather conditions and ensure that it is safe, ”said Cabingman.

If you see an agricultural combustion, there are ways to recognize whether it could be dangerous. Lighter smoke means that they are usually organic materials. Dark smoke could be an indication of burning artificial materials. If you are concerned that it gets out of control, says the GJFD to call someone and inform someone about it

Grand Junction requires permission to keep controlled burns. You can buy online or personally at Mesa County Public Health.