
West Fargo Church reports 600,000 US dollars theft, constantly – Inforum

West Fargo – Faith Journey Lutheran Church Leaders say that they are working on receiving more than 600,000 US dollars in funds for several years, which are supposed to be abused by a former employee.

In an e -mail that was received by WDAY News, the church leaders of the community said that they were not sure whether the money would be restored. The E -Mail claimed that an employee of the church had used the church's credit card and other accounts for personal purchases and supposedly spending spending on the leadership.

Causes regarding the finances of the church only emerged in November, which led to an internal investigation. The church has now hired a lawyer and works with its insurer to get as much money as possible.

The former employee was not officially charged, but left the church in December. The leaders said that the individual was closed from church computers and accounts at that time.

The West Fargo police confirmed that an examination was not completed, but did not provide any additional details.

The Faith Journey pastor rejected a statement and cited the active examination. Church leaders said they plan to implement protective measures to prevent similar incidents in the future.

WDay News turned to the Lutheran Synod of the Eastern North Dakota and the Church's lawyer for a comment, but has not received an answer.

Isak Dinesen came up as a reporter in September 2024. Previously, he worked as a multimedia journalist at Waow-TV in Wausau, Wisconsin for three years. He completed the NDSU in 2020 with a focus on journalism and minoring in sports communication at MSUM.