
Repairs in the budget lodge after the fire | News, sports, jobs

Photo that was submitted to the Times Observer Firefighters are mapped in Clarendon at the scene of the crime in the Lodge budget. Two rooms were damaged, but no injuries were reported.

Repairs started after a recent fire in the Budget Lodge in Clarendon.

The fire broke out on Thursday at 10:15 p.m. with the reaction of volunteer firefighters from Sheffield, Cherry Grove, Pleasant Township and Ludlow and the Warren City firefighters. Terry Gregerson, Clarendon's volunteer fire chief, said Erie News, now the fire started in the back of the building, possibly due to a problem with hot water tank. Two rooms were damaged, but no injuries were reported.

A Facebook post from the Palestinian Orthodox Church of America thanked firefighters for their quick answer.

“We thank the Warren County firefighters, who immediately reacted to delete the structural tax in our lodge.” The Poca Youth Association wrote on Friday. “Your fast and professional measures have prevented a total loss of property. We appreciate the efforts of Clarendon volunteer firefighters, volunteer firefighters from Sheffield, volunteer firefighters to Pleasant Township and the city of Warren Fire Department. Thank you very much.”

The building includes a chapel, a monastery and a pantry.