
Mahnwache on HSE Football Field honors Mason Alexander

Alexander was a passenger in a car that crashed on Saturday.

Fissers, ind. – The Hamilton Southeasters Community gathered on Monday at the high school football field to remember one of their own who was killed in an accident at the weekend.

The police said Mason Alexander was a passenger in a car that fell against a tree and caught fire on Saturday after the driver tried to drive another car in fishermen. The crash is examined.

If you didn't know better, you would have thought that the people who are mainly dressed in blue and white will have a sold -out football game from the Hamilton Southeastern High School on Monday afternoon. Instead of going to the stands, they went directly to the field and stood together to remember a king.

“I think the family needs that, but I also think that the children do this and our trainers too,” said Jim Self, sports director of HSE.

18-year-old Alexander was a top athlete at HSE. But on Monday people were not there in the stands to support people on the field. The people in the field were there to support people in the stands. Members of Alexander's family members were there and watched the loving homage to the young athletes.

“We will love their family,” said themselves. “We will do everything we can to support you and to continue his memory here in Hamilton Southeasters.”

Alexander not only emerged in football, he was also a track athlete. Football coach Michael Kelly said Alexander had a bigger personality.

“So I remember him as a newcomer who comes in. Not the biggest guy, but he had the biggest smile. Only an amazing young man. He brought joy to a room,” said Kelly.

It was Alexander's work ethic that distinguished him, said those who knew him.

Self said that this was not the first time that he had to comfort the students after a tragedy.

“I didn't register that, that's sure,” said himself.

He said he believed that the place where Alexander took part in the University of Pittsburgh to play football for the Panthers is the place where he lived, not where he died.

“Full-Ride scholarship for Pitt. He deserves this scholarship here. I can't imagine a better place to celebrate his 18 years as exactly here in Hamilton in Hamilton,” said Self.

In honor of his Jersey number, 3:15 p.m., more than 2,000 balloons filled the sky, a visual example for Alexander's heir.

“It speaks for the dashboard of life. Sometimes we concentrate on the beginning and the end and forget the most important part that the middle part, the shot, the effects and the effects we can all can achieve,” said Kelly.

Before they left, the quiet group of fans cheered their favorite football player again.

A family spokesman said that information about funeral companies would be passed on as soon as these plans have been completed.