
Unicycle drivers soften the traffic, viral video throws safety concerns

A video recently became viral, where a man can be seen how he rides a unicycle on a busy street in Bengaluru. The viral contribution was: “Is this the future of Bengaluru or only at the next level risky?” The video was posted on Instagram by @Bengaluru_visual and achieved around 3.7 million views.

In the video, the man was seen in his unicycle with a helmet and a bag on his back and exceeded the traffic.

The video recorded by a commuter colleague shared the Internet when some named it as a clever idea of ​​exceeding traffic, while others pointed out on security concerns.

A user commented: “Very risky if you take the Bengaluru traffic into account.”

Another commented: “Bengaluru is not for beginners.”

“It only takes a pothole to drive under this bus,” commented a third user.

Others who praised the idea of ​​the man commented: “Verkehrs proof”: “Good opportunity to escape from Bangalore traffic.”

“Peak Bengaluru moment,” commented another user.