
Man who was killed in Hillsboro overnight

Hillsboro, Mon (first alarm 4) – A man was killed overnight in a shot involved in Hillsboro involved by officer.

According to a publication, the MPs were sent to a house in a house in 8100 block of the Old Highway 21 north of Hillsboro at around 9:30 p.m. to hit a man over the door of the house.

Upon arrival, the police said that the man had a pistol on his head. The MPs called for help, including those with crisis intervention training.

In the next three hours, members of the sheriff office crisis negotiation team and the response team of mental health reacted to de-escalate the situation.

At some point after midnight, the man fired a pistol against the MPs who had brought the fire back. The police say that the man was beaten and later declared dead in the hospital.

Detective have restored several other handguns in a nearby vehicle on site.

The examination is not yet completed at this time.

From 4 a.m., the old Highway 21 is closed between the Schenk Road and the Tower Road exit and will probably remain closed for hours.

First Alert 4 will update this story when new information is available.