
Emotional certificates on the first day of the murder process to crash the Swan Boat Club

Monroe County, me. – It was an emotional first testimony to testing a woman who was accused of fell against a birthday party and killing two children.

The 67 -year -old Marshella Chidester allegedly drove drunk when she crashed her car through the Swan Boat Club in April 2024. Two siblings died in the crash.

The public prosecutor called eight witnesses on the first day of the trial, including two police officers who moved faster than expected. Further statements are expected from those who have survived the crash and those who can discuss evidence more precisely.


Chidester faces nine charges, including two cases of second degree, two cases of operating under the influence, causing death and causing four cases of the operations under the influence and too serious injuries. If she is convicted, she could live in prison.

Prosecutors said that the 67-year-old lived next to the boat yard in Berlin townshipRight on the Eriesee.

The surveillance video of Chidester 'own home caught her on the day of the crash and carefully went down the stairs before she was slow, uncertain and deliberately on her car.

On April 20, 2024, families gathered in the Swan Boat Club in Monroe County To celebrate Kristyn Sigler's son's birthday when Chidester's SUV plowed about 25 feet through the building.

Witnesses said they thought that a bomb had started. Mobile phone and body camera video showed chaos, including screams of survivors.

Opening statements

“The accused has withdrawn from her driveway and accelerated her car … against a small tree and then to get under control in her neighbor's pickup, which forced him through a work fence,” said prosecutor during the opening arguments. “The accused then puts her car on the way and accelerates.”

When the public prosecutor presented its case, the courtroom of emotions was overwhelmed.

Some sobs as video evidence, a witness and a crash victim had to be comforting after the statements in the hallway – and seemed to experience the traga of the tragic day again.

“Due to the operation, [Marshella Chidester] Was the factual and immediate cause of the death of these two children, ”the public prosecutor's office talked to the jury on Monday. “We have to show that she wanted to kill or intended to cause large bodily harm. In other words, she drove through the Boatclub wall to kill someone or seriously harm someone – or the third state: she knowingly created a very high risk of death or great body loss through her actions – to know that death or great physical damage was the probable result of what it did. “

First certificates belonged to in court

On Monday, March 3, 2025, the first witness, Kristyn Sigler, took position and told the jury about the terrible scene and the heartbreaking moment that they tried to live the SUV from a 4-year-old boy.

Sigler said that she had stepped into the FaceTime as a friend and this call could have saved her life. When she ran back to help, she said that she screamed someone who screamed that a baby was caught under the SUV.

“I heard a baby cry and I looked under the vehicle and I screamed for a Jack,” said Jason Wickland.

Wickland said he and others tried to raise the SUV to free Little Zayn Phillips when Sigler pulled him to her.

“I put him on my lap, and the back of the head was bleeding and his arm was limp and bloody,” Sigler recalled in tears of 4-year-old Zayn Phillips, her godfather. “But I asked him who he was and he said Zayn.”

Phillips died later. Sigler said that his 8-year-old sister Alanah Phillips was stuck and apparently killed because of impact.

“Alanah was caught, but she was already gone,” said Sigler. “She was blue.”

Chidester sat in court as witnesses said after the crash about the chaos.

Other certificates heard in court on day 1

Denise Roberts, who said that she had been hit during the crash and lost awareness, said when she came to a chidester, was placed in a chair next to her at the scene.

“She said a few times:” What happened? “And she said:” I passed out. “One of my nephews shouted: 'Stop the F -Up, you are b ****, you are drunk,' she said.

Several witnesses said they could smell alcohol at Chidester's breath.

The Sheriff's office of Monroe County reported that her blood alcohol level was more than twice as high.

The argument of defense

Chidester's lawyer, Bill Colovos, said she admitted that she drank wine that day, but said that she only had a glass, “which she didn't even end.” They argue that it has suffered a medical emergency that caused the crash.

“She suffers from seizures and neuropathy,” said Colovos in his opening speech. He added that she didn't have seized all the time when she did:

The defense also questions whether Chidester's blood flow was properly treated and saved, which caused her BAC to be calculated incorrectly.

“Now you have something that fermented, so you could have something, that .01 or .02 that becomes a 2.0 because it is fermented,” said Colovos.

The process continues

The attempt is to be continued on Tuesday.

Due to restrictions in the courtroom, Local 4 may not publish a live video during the entire test, and pictures from the courtroom only at the end of every day.

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