
How to put birds to a bird bath: 2 tips

Tightening birds in their backyard bird bath can be worthwhile for bird observers of all ages and is a great way to contribute important support for local bird populations. Nevertheless, several important factors must be taken into account to ensure that your bird bath actually attracts birds.

According to David Wiedenfeld, Senior Conservation Scientist at American Bird Conservancy, location, cleanliness and design are important factors that need to be taken into account if you want to attract birds to your bird bath.

How to put on birds to your bird bathroom

A bird bath is a place where birds can get water and swim.

“You can drink the water, which is sometimes important when it is very hot and there are no other water sources,” explains Wiedenfeld.

Springs are very important for birds because they keep the birds warm and especially birds flying.

“Birds have to keep their springs in good condition, so bath is very important,” says Wiedenfeld. Bird “Baden” is very much about getting wet, followed by the cleaning, to ensure that the feathers are well maintained and are correct. Of course, bird baths also use bird baths as a water source for drinking, especially if it is very hot or very dry. ”

How to set up your bird bathroom

When setting up your bird bath, it is important to take place, accessibility and design into account.


The placement of a bird bath is important because a bathing of a bird that is just bathed and is just bathed and cleaned is susceptible to predators.

“This is mainly due to the fact that the bird is distracted with other things and cannot pay so much attention to predators,” says Wiedenfeld. “For this reason, birds like to have a place to place and hide nearby. This can be a shrub or a shrub, maybe some low trees, just a few feet from the bird bath. This gives the birds a way to approach the bird bath, ensure that there are no predators. ”

As soon as the bird is bathed, you also like to have a place to the square and Preen until it has dried.

“A bird bath, which lies in the middle of a large, open area, does not usually attract many birds,” he says.


A bird bath should be flat enough to stand birds.

“Most of the commercially sold bird baths meet this criterion to have a fairly flat saucer shape,” says Wiedenfeld and adds that inserting stones in a bird bath can be a good thing. “Felsen can give smaller birds a place to stop and also make the bird bath appear more natural.”


Wiedenfeld says that bird baths do not have to be a saucer on a podium.

“Birds are very satisfied with a bird bath on the floor, as long as there is a beautiful shrub or a low tree nearby to end protection and cover,” he explains.

Tips to put on birds to your bird bathroom

Wiegenfeld says that there are two ways to lure birds into their bathroom, and both are about keeping the area fresh.

Regularly clean

Bird baths have to be kept clean like birdhouses.

“This can mean that all a day or two are over -hooded or rinsed off the bird bath,” says Wiedenfeld. “You can use detergent or bleach, but make sure that the bird bath is well rinsed as soon as you are finished. Birds can catch many parasites or diseases from impure bird baths. ”

Flowing water

A bubbler, a small fountain or a waterfall in a bird bath can make it very attractive for birds.

“Birds like flowing water because it means for them that it is probably fresher and cleaner than a stagnating pool,” says Wiedenfeld.

Are bird baths seasonal?

Birds have to maintain their year -round plumage so that they will swim in winter, even if it is very cold. You also need water to drink water all year round.

“Although streams, ponds and lakes in the southeast of the USA usually do not fully freeze or at least not very long when water is frozen, it can help the birds if they have a bird bath heating so as not to keep the water,” says Wiedenfeld. “Alternatively, you can only pour some warm water into a bird bath once a day if it is really cold.”