
Designs for the New Berwick Academy published by County Council

Jonny Manning

BBC News, northeast and Cumbria

Northumberland County Council A computer -generated picture shows a large rectangular building in black and white. On the left side is a smaller black building at the right angle. In the foreground, a soccer field is displayed in the background to the left of the main building. There is a parking space.Northumberland County Council

The Northumberland County Council has published two possible designs for the new Berwick Academy – one of them is shown here

Designs for a school of 42 million GBP, which is to be rebuilt as part of a restructuring of the education system of a district, were published by a local authority.

The Northumberland County Council has published two designs of what the new Berwick Academy could look like if plans are approved later this year.

The academy is converted as schools in the north of the district by a three -stage education system in which the first, middle and high school are involved in a two -stage system.

Three middle schools will close during the overhaul, and the city council Guy Renner-Thompson says that the council would offer all anxious parents.

“This is an absolute focus for us when we get into the next phases of the transition, and I have instructed that additional support will be made available in addition to the support schools,” he said.

As part of the changes, the middle schools are closed by Berwick, Tweedmouth and Glendale, with the Council 8.2 million GBP output for the conversion of the existing first schools in primary schools and the creation of a family and community center in Wooler.

Parents of students raised beforehand Council concerns lacked a clear plan For the school system changes. However, the Council insisted that the changes to plan.

Northumberland County Council Another possible design for the new school, as shown in this computer -generated image. The building consists of a rectangular main building with two smaller wings on both sides that create a central courtyard. In the foreground is a parking space on the left; In the background to the right three soccer fields.Northumberland County Council

The new school contains institutions for educational needs and training institutions after 16 years

The new high school will contain a special special education facilities and training facilities for students aged over 16 years.

Two possible designs were published by the Council, which both include a number of soccer fields and an extensive parking lot.

Access to the new school comes from Northumberland Road, which means that the students can continue to use the existing building of the Berwick Academy during the construction work.

A drop-in event is organized in Berwick, with which the locals can learn more about the proposed new location and the transition of the students to the new system.

“We are completely striving to deliver a great development that will benefit our children in the coming decades and the next chapter in the regeneration of the city of Berwick itself,” said Renner-Thompson.

Renner-Thompson said: “We are completely determined to provide enormous development that will benefit our children in the coming decades and the next chapter on the regeneration of the city of Berwick itself.”