
26 million devices made by information valleys – banking cards are leaked on Dark Web

Criminal marketplaces on the dark web, only accessible via a special web browser and often only invite you through the invitation of the forum in question, sell full access to small companies for 600 US dollars and access to incredibly valuable health data for $ 1,000 per pop. But it is not only in terms of the gigantic number of passwords that are most important, which is currently important in records are offered for sale, but also the number of stolen credit cards. Such a forum was offered to give away a million credit cards free of charge as a marketing exercise, for the sake of heaven. Now Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Specialists have shown the extent to which info malware and bank cardiefs go hand in hand.

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One of 14 infections in Infostaler runs bank cards into the dark network

According to the newly published investigations by the Kaspersky Digital Footprint Intelligence Unit, almost 26 million devices from Infostal Malware in 2023 and 2024 were jeopardized, which led to the leak of more than 2 million unique bank card details. In fact, the Kaspersky analysts said that every 14th such infection led to bank card dates being stolen. Of course, informationalers are designed in such a way that they capture much more than debit or credit card details. The malware is pursued according to information that you can find that can be considered valuable. Therefore, we hear more often about how campaigns affect passwords, cookies in the second factor authentication and the like. But it is difficult to ignore the bank card numbers when you see them in black and white.

The number of 26 million devices dealing with the report by Kaspersky said the Kaspersky report to those who run between the beginning of 2023 and the end of 2024 windows. “The actual number of infected devices is even higher,” said Sergey Shcherbel, an expert at Kaspersky Digital Footprint Intelligence, said; “Cyber ​​criminal often licked stolen data in the form of protocol files months or even years after the first infection, and impair login information and other information continue to appear in the dark network over time.” The more time flies, the more infections from previous years are observed. “We predict the total number of devices between 20 and 25 million infected with info -lane malware in 2024,” said Shcherbel, “while the estimate is between 18 and 22 million for 2023.”

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Redline Malware was the most widespread information manager, which made about 34% of all infections in 2024. The biggest increase came from Rispro, with the proportion of only 1.4% in 2023 rose to 23% in 2024. First Riesepro discovered swing, and then some. “The stealer is aimed mainly at the details, passwords and cryptocurrency allowance data,” said Shcherbel, “and can be spread under the guise of the most important generators, cracks for various software and game mods.”