
Home Expert gives four tips to improve the efficiency of your dryer: “The difference really noticed”.

How many homeowners can testify is the winter not only the season that is the greatest demand for their dryer, but also the one that is the greatest challenges for this.

Fortunately, Instagrammer Lynsey, the self -proclaimed Queen of Clean, has a helpful video with tips to get the best out of her dryer in the coldest season.

The ball

Lynsey's four-pointed strategy is easy to replicate to increase the efficiency of your tumble dryer.

First, Lynsey advises the audience to clean the lint filter thoroughly after each use.

Next, she suggests throwing a tennis ball or, to achieve superior results, wool dryer balls to absorb moisture and separate cloped clothes. The wool dryer balls specialize in the trick and Lynsey advises to use three for small loads and six for large ones.

Your third tip is never to overload your dryer. You can make sure that you do not do it by checking whether your hand fits into the dryer over your clothes. Last but not least, a dry towel is thrown through the cycle halfway. The towel absorbs additional moisture and helps all your clothing to get out dry.

How it helps

Lynsey's tips can help home owners save energy and money by helping them to avoid costly repairs from devices and ensure that they do not have to do any additional loads for still damp clothing. Dryers make up 6% of electrical use in residential areas and, according to the super -efficient dryer initiative, cost homeowners of 9 billion US dollars a year.

Other money and energy-saving movements are air drying, but consumers do not always have time or space.

New technology such as heat pump tumble dryers are another means because they are more energy-efficient than conventional dryers that use at least 28% less energy per energy star. Homeowners can also access up to $ 840 in discounts in relation to models approved by Energy Star, whereby the non-profit re-wiring from America helps customers to complete these offers.

Other money -saving movements in the house are the upgrading of a heat pump to heat and cool and install solar collectors to create your own clean energy.

What everyone says

Lynsey's tips were a hit on Instagram commentators, with many of the wool balls and dry towel hacks out for their effectiveness.

A user called out: “I got the wool balls and really noticed the difference!”

“I love these tips,” wrote another viewer.

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