
Grandfather kills granddaughter in the southwest of Florida, say MPs – WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sport

Port Charlotte, Florida (WFTX) – A grandfather in Florida killed his granddaughter after a dispute, according to the Sheriff office of Charlotte County.

It happened at the beginning of March 1st, shortly before 3:30 a.m., said the MPs, grandfather Jose Mogrro, 67, called and reported the shootout himself.

Within minutes, the MPs arrived in the Port Charlotte house on the McDill Drive. They found migration, his wife and granddaughter Maria Rangel, who said the MPs that he had shot.

Morgo was arrested and charged with a fatal weapon for heavy battery.

“It seems very easy,” said Pamella Seay, professor and lawyer at Florida Gulf Coast University.

The suspect said he welcomed his granddaughter to his house about three weeks ago to get back on the track. He claimed that she suffered psychological health problems and was verbally aggressive. Mogro also claimed that her behavior had escalated lately.

“They knew the person and they knew about their behavior,” said Seay.

Mogro said at around 2 p.m. on February 28th, the victim went in an Uber to go somewhere. She then returned on March 1 at 2 a.m., made loud noises and hit doors. Mogrom said he told his granddaughter that he should be calm, but she didn't listen to. About 20 minutes later, according to documents, there were louder bang and the grandfather felt unsafe. He armed himself with a weapon, opened the bedroom door and opened it.

“I do not see it self -then or at this time there was an appropriate defense,” said Seay.

Mogrom said the victim then joined him, if not in a fighting posture. Then he fired his gun into her chest.

“Did you want to kill them? Did you want to put them off and used a weapon for it? Yes, you did it. And that's the definition of the battery, ”said Seay. “They oblige physical damage to a person with a fatal person.”

Morgo later told the MP that he used the weapon “as a tool to prevent it”.

Mogro is loaded with a heavy battery with a fatal weapon.

“After the officer had read the affidavit, it didn't seem that it rose to this level and that an indictment for a heavy battery was a better cargo,” said Seay. “With homicide, you don't necessarily mean doing it. You don't necessarily think someone has died. “

Morgo was on trial on Sunday morning and had himself. He is expected to be back in court in April.

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