
Why wear some PSV fans costume dress for the Arsenal Champions League match

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PSV Eindhoven informed its fans that you are welcome to wear a Tome dress in the stadium with Arsenal with Arsenal with Arsenal.

The Dutch city is currently organizing its carnival celebrations with the one -week celebrations that end on Tuesday evening. These celebrations take place every year in the days immediately before the ashes on Wednesday and during Lent.

Carnival brings a number of European cities with celebrations and many night owls every year. As a result, Eindhoven welcomed many festival goers before today's game.

A PSV fan in the costume dress in front of the Arsenal -Match ((Reuters)))


Traditionally, costume dress is a large part of the celebrations. With the city's tourist website, this is Eindhoven, which encourages the night owls to “take the chance to be completely different”.

And PSV also encouraged fans to participate in tradition. A contribution on the club's website encourages the fans to “get in Red to the Philips Stadium”.

“The competition falls on the last day of the carnival. For this reason, we expect additional crowds in the city center, ”said the post office. “From 19:45, Eindhoven's best will play in the Philips Stadium.

“Pendants are welcome to come to the stadium in carnival clothing. However, please note that the UEFA does not allow to wear face cover clothing. In addition, drunk visitors are not allowed to enter the stadium.

“Before PSV Arsenal there will be an atmospheric campaign again and you can contribute to it. Put on something red and help to transform the Philips stadium into a red mass. Together we can create the ultimate Champions League evening, ”added the post office.

The match that is the first legs of the two teams of the last 16 in the Champions League. Arsenal will then compete against Manchester United in the Premier League on Sunday, March 9, before the Emirates takes place on Wednesday, March 12th.