
The Ferris Bueller scene becomes viral when Trump becomes effective: “Did it work? Someone? '

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A classic scene from the John Hughes comedy from 1986 Ferris Buellers Free Day reappeared on social media when users link it to Donald Trump's newly introduced tariffs for Mexico and China.

In the famous sequence, an economic teacher of Ben Stein tries to teach a listless class of students how the introduction of tariffs tightened the global economic crisis.

Stein's teacher spoke to the class and received no response to his many attempts to arrange his students, and says: “1930, the Republican House of Representatives to relieve the effects of … anyone? Anyone?

“Great depression. Did the … someone? Anyone? The tariff calculation. The Hawley-Smoot tariff Act. Which … someone? Raised or reduced?

“Increased tariffs to collect more income for the federal government. Did it work? Someone? … does anyone know the effects? … it didn't work and the United States deeper into the global economic crisis. “

According to the stock market crash, the Smoot Hewley Tariff Act was introduced by Republican politicians from 1929 by Senator Reed Smoot and representative Willis Hawley.

Ben Stein as an economic teacher in 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off' ((Paramount/YouTube)))

President Herbert Hoover signed the tariff in 1930, and modern economists and historians now say that the steep increases have worsened the effects of the global economic crisis. In 1932, Hoover was defeated in his offer for re -election by the democratic candidate Franklin D Roosevelt, who introduced comprehensive reforms and public work projects that were known as New Deal. Both Smoot and Hawley lost their seats.

On X/Twitter, an economic professor shared the clip with the caption: “Ferris Bueller is more noticeable than 99.99% of political commentators for tariffs.”

Another user added: “Apparently it is once again time to bring back Ferris Bueller's tariffs …”

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Since Trump's tariffs came into force today, the stock markets have already fell on the effects on the largest trading partners in the United States as Wall Street.

The President introduced 25 percent trade tariffs in Mexico and Canada and, in addition to the 10 percent that he imposed last month, added an additional 10 percent tax for China.

Despite the prospect of its negative effects on the market, Trump said yesterday in the White House that “there was no space for Mexico or for Canada”. He added: “The tariffs, they are all defined; You will come into force tomorrow. “

The president previously emphasized that the tariffs are the result of the drug inflow of fentanyl, namely from his neighbors to the USA.

“Just to understand you have large amounts of fentanyl from Mexico poured into our country, and as you know from China … it comes from Canada and it comes from Mexico, and that is a very important thing to say,” said Trump.