
St. Louis primary election results 2025

In addition to the mayor's race, the voters of St. Louis will decide who is progressing in the compatroller and in the Board of Aldermen.

St. Louis – The voters of St. Louis drive for the election election on March 4 on the surveys to decide which candidates will rise for important city positions on April 8th.

In the highly observed mayor race in St. Louis, the reigning Tishaura Jones with three challengers is faced with three challengers: Recorder of Deeds Michael Butler, businessman Andrew Jones jr. and became 8 Alderfrau Cara Spencer. The voters will also determine the next candidates at the St. Louis Compotroller Race and elections for the St. Louis Board of Aldermen in Wards 3 and 11.

Find out more about the candidates for the mayor of St. Louis and how you can vote Here.

The surveys are open on election day from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Find live election results below.

St. Louis uses a non -partisan approval votes. The percentage displayed for each candidate represents the proportion of voters that they approved, which means that the sums are not 100%. The two candidates with the highest approval percentages will rise to the general local elections on April 8.

Click here for the full election results.