
Emergency officials give tips on storm preparation

Columbus, Miss. (WCBI) – You can't stop storm, but you can prepare for it.

Severe weather is on the way for parts of the northeast mississippi and in northwestalabama.

The biggest concern? Strong winds that can cause damage and power failures.

“We will see how these winds will probably lose weight early Tuesday morning, and this will continue until the evening hours on Wednesday. Actually, this WICKWIND advice was actually published, ”said McKinley Dean, a WCBI meteorologist.

Dean said there would also be a short storms between 4 p.m. and 10 p.m. on Tuesday, March 4th.

Preparation is of crucial importance in strong expected winds.

Emergency officers said now was the time to create a security plan.

“Where are you going? If you go protection, you know what protection is near you. And if not, if you stay in your house, you know a safe place in your house. It must be a room without a window and an interior in your house. Just stay there until the Tornado goes away, ”said Cindy Lawrence, emergency management director of lowndes County.

Although the Tornado chances are low, strong winds can cause a lot of damage.

Lawrence suggested to secure external objects such as dashposes or terrace furniture.

“Everything that can fly around can become dirt and it can damage your home. So we tell the people that they should simply secure it or simply remove it from the outside, ”said Lawrence.

It also encouraged those with breathing machines to look for help with their equipment before the storm, in the event of a power failure.

“If you enter into a kind of life support devices such as dialysis, ventilation devices or such equipment, make sure that you have completely charged your batteries for your portable, you know how to be transferred from electrically to an electrically portable manner,” said Lawrence.

Emergency officers also recommend that you have a weather radio available for warnings.

And when you live in a mobile home, you consider to draw a more robust structure before the storm arrives.

According to the National Weather Service, those in mobile homes have a higher risk of storm.

The Mississippi Emergency Management Agency (Mema) encouraged her to search in a safe location if possible.

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