
The authorities examine the death of women in the stream

Sreatator (25News Now) – An investigation is carried out in the death of a woman in stream.

The police said that a 37-year-old woman was no longer reacted in a house in the 1100 block of the East Elm Street. It was declared dead at the scene.

Illinois State Police Tatort was convened in “due to the suspicious nature of the call”, said the streamer Police in an release.

The woman's identity is held back until her relatives are notified.

The publication states that this is an “active, ongoing” examination, and further details are published when they are available.

The police in Streator said the public prosecutor's office of the Lasalle district, the sheriff office of Lasalle County and the Tri-County Drug Enforcement Narcotics Team (Tri-Dent) from Lasalle, Bureau and Putnam Grafs support the investigation.

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