
Darts Star demands examinations after Luke Humphries's opponent seemed to lick him in the “disgusting” moment before the game

Former major master Paul Nicholson opened in Great Britain in the victory over Luke Humphries near the UK in Great Britain.

Humphries suffered a shock deflection from Wade in the quarterfinals of the tournament on Sunday in the quarter-finals of the tournament, whereby the world No. 1 drops by 10: 9.

However, the tie had been clouded by an incident that occurred to the game.

After the players led their walk-ons, Wade, who has been able to recapture its best form in recent years, took Humphries.

When the couple hugged himself, Wade was bizarre his tongue sounded out when he seemed to lick his opponent's neck.

This set the precedent for a lively collision with her handshake after the match extremely frosty, while Humphries shoulder his rivals slightly shoulder -shouldered on his departure.

A former darts star came up with James Wade for his actions in his victory against Luke Humphries

World No. 1 Humphries suffered a shock against Wade around 10: 9 in the quarter -finals of the United Kingdom of Open in Great Britain

World No. 1 Humphries suffered a shock against Wade around 10: 9 in the quarter -finals of the United Kingdom of Open in Great Britain

Before the game, Wade had bizarre Humphries to lick neck when they hugged

Before the game, Wade had bizarre Humphries to lick neck when they hugged

After the game, the former world champion X had brought to X to express his frustrations in a tweet that has now been deleted.

“Everyone loves to see that people are a bad loser, but I am generally one of the best losers in sport,” he wrote.

“I would not give someone who did not deserve my respect after he was a hug, and everyone is happy about it during the game.”

This led to criticism of Humphries because he was a supposed bad loser who had been praised for his actions only days after his victory against female stars Beau Greaves for his actions before the tournament.

The former Darts star Nicholson, who won the player's championship finals in 2010, jumped in the defense of Humphries and sustained on Wade.

“Humphries was hard for a frosty handshake and a small shoulder tracks on social media on social media,” Nicholson told Sporting Life

'It is ridiculous for everyone to call Humphries a “bad loser”, and his success record of grace speaks for itself.

“It had apparently built tensions, and they did not exchanged the usual handshake or the fist base in front of the crucial leg, while Wade that licked Humphries' neck before the game may have been a problem.

Humphries seemed slightly to be shoulder -free calf when he went off the stage after the game

Humphries seemed slightly to be shoulder -free calf when he went off the stage after the game

There was an extremely frosty atmosphere in the game after Wades licks ear

There was an extremely frosty atmosphere in the game after Wades licks ear

The former darts star Paul Nicholson excluded Wade and defended the character of Humphries

The former darts star Paul Nicholson excluded Wade and defended the character of Humphries

“I am with Luke in this case. I think sometimes as a competitor you have to pull a line and say: “If you play games and do things in a competitive environment that exceed the border, you don't expect respect.”

“The photo that had appeared by James that stretched out his tongue and touched Luke's neck was disgusting and I would not be surprised if it were examined.”

Nicholson confirmed his point of view and claimed that Wade was to blame for what had followed the game.

“Whether that was one of the things that disturbed Lukas or not, the fact that he left the stage as he had to do with a” bad loser “after the game after the game.

“If James hadn't done anything provocative, Luke's reaction to the defeat would have been very different.

'Wade is not the most gracious defeat anyway. Some of the hand shakes he distracted in the years were at best superficial.

“We have to give him recognition for what he has been doing in sports for over 20 years, but he is not an angel.”

Nicholson continued: “Instead, we concentrate on what an incredible role model Luke Humphries is and a fantastic ambassador for our sport.

“He was always as great as Luke Littler took the lion's share in the spotlight, even if others have the feeling that he was” overlooked “, while on this occasion he wanted to make sure that Greaves received the loan she deserves.”

Wade reached the United Kingdom's final, but he was hit 11-2 by Luke Littler when the youthful sensation took the £ 110,000 prize money home.