
New live fir training unit for Bowling Green

Bowling Green, Ky. after 30 years in its original unit, the bowling Green Fire Department receives a new live fir training session thanks to a scholarship of $ 500,000 from the city.

What you need to know

  • Thanks to a scholarship of $ 500,000 from the city
  • The current unit only has a layout that makes it difficult for firefighters to train appropriately
  • The total cost of the new unit is around 900,000 US dollars and will be used later in autumn

The deputy fire chief Doug Morris, who has been working in bowling Green Fire Department for almost a decade, said he saw that the current unit was used well. But after three decades, he said they had grown from the current training session.

“Set three or four firefighters here. There is no room to do what we have to do,” said Morris.

The current unit has only one layout and does not adequately prepare firefighters to extinguish fire in houses where they have no familiarity, said Morris.

This will change because the new unit will be 32,000 square feet and adjustable, which means that coach can change the floor plan. Real scenarios will create and firefighters force to train in different surroundings every time they enter.

“We can have a kitchen, a bedroom. We can do pretty much everything we want, movable walls, ”said Morris.

Todd Alcott, the Mayor of Bowling Green, said this will not only help to help the Bowling Green fire brigade, but also firefighters in other counties who use Bowling Green units for training.

“We have a lot of volunteer fire brigade,” said Alcott. “We have already opened our doors.”

The total cost of the device is around 900,000 US dollars, said Morris. It is expected that it will be ready later this year.