
Florida initiates criminal investigations against Andrew and Tristan

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In Florida, a criminal investigation was initiated in Florida in the controversial influencers Andrew and Tristan Tate.

The brothers flew from Romania to the United States on Thursday, after travel restrictions that were imposed on the two of them had been lifted.

They are already subject to an ongoing investigation by the alleged person who has human trafficking in Romania and may be delivered in Great Britain after this examination in order to be due to separate allegations of rape and trade from 2012.

On Tuesday, the Attorney General of Florida, James Uthmeier, said on social media that he had ordered a criminal investigation.

He said: “Due to a thorough review of the evidence, I instructed the office of national law enforcement to carry out search commands and to exhibit underloads in the now active criminal examination of the Tate brothers.”

Tate struck back and claimed that the US authorities “try to find crimes against an innocent man”.

In Romania, the Tate brothers face allegations, minors, sexual intercourse with minor and money laundering.

A separate case against you, in which you are accused of having formed human trafficking and a criminal gang for the sexual exploitation of women, was sent back to the public prosecutor.

In Great Britain and the allegations examined by the Bedfordshire police, a civil lawsuit against Andrew Tate from four women will be raised after the Crown Concity Service (CPS) decided not to pursue in 2019.

Three of the British prosecutors were the subject of an investigation by Hertfordshire Constabulary, which was closed in 2019.

In a separate case in December, the police from Devon and Cornwall were given permission to confiscate more than £ 2 million from the siblings after a judge decided that they had not paid a cent of taxes from their online business.

Trump's government was reported to increase the Romanian government to increase the travel restrictions for the brothers at the beginning of this month, although Donald Trump denied any knowledge of the case.

In a statement published on Thursday, a spokesman for the brothers said that six cars and five properties were returned, but some assets remained under “precautionary measures”.

The Romanian anti-organized crime authority, Diicot, said that the prosecutors had approved an “application to change the obligation to prevent the accused from leaving Romania”.

Diicot's explanation said: “The accused were warned that the intentions of these obligations can lead to judicial control is replaced by a stricter deprivation of the freedom measure.”