
RRB Je result 2025 for 7951 posts declared: How to check and download scorecards for CBT 1

RRB JE -Ergebnis 2025 für 7951 Beiträge deklariert: So überprüfen und herunterladen Sie Scorecards für CBT 1

Indian Railway RRB JE, ​​DMS, CMA, CS, MS CBT 1 Result OS here -over check here

RRB Je result 2025 Declared for 7951 contributions: The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has announced the RRB JE result in 2025 for 7,951 positions in various positions. Candidates who performed for examination Junior engineer (Je), Depot Materials Superintendent (DMS) as well as chemical and metallurgical assistant (CMA) can now access your results on the official website.
In order to check the result, the candidates must register using their login information at The results for Junior Engineer and other contributions were published on all regional RRB website.

RRB Je result 2025: Download this

Follow these steps to download the RRB Je result 2025:
Step 1: Visit the official RRB website under [](
Step 2: Click the link for the RRB Je result.
Step 3: Select your respective RRB region in the available menu.
Step 4: Enter your login information, including registration number and date of birth.
Step 5: Click the “Send” button.
Step 6: The RRB Je result -PDF is displayed on the screen.
Step 7: Download the result as a future reference and save it.
Here is the direct link to apply

RRB per CBT 1 result 2025: minimum qualification sign

The candidates have to reach the minimal qualification notes to continue the next selection phase for the junior engineer and other posts. For the non -reserved category (UR), the candidates have to secure at least 40% points, while the minimum qualification notes for other backward classes (OBC) and planned box (SC) is 30%. For planned trunks (ST), the qualification threshold is 25%. The candidates are recommended to check their respective regional RRB websites for further updates regarding the next phase of the selection process.